Chapter 31

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Hello my lovelies! Gosh! 2k views! I am honored that you have all continued to make this journey with me! More is coming! This week was hard because while it was great that the stress has officially left my house and my father-in-law has been placed in an assisted living facility at last, I usually write on days that my husband is at work, and well, lol he's off this week! We have been out enjoying the time in the sun, visiting the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm for their festival. Never thought I would see what Holland looks like. The tulip farm has 40 acres of tulips! It was amazing! I will post pictures on my Facebook page tomorrow. I think I have a link to it on my profile page. Will have to check that too. Anyway, just a few more things to cover in this act! Happy reading!

"Here you are, my dear," Madam Pomfrey said and handed her a calming draught in a small vial, and waited for Hermione to drink it before she handed her a mug. "This too. The vial was to calm your unease, this is to calm your stomach."

"What is it?" Hermione asked, peering into the mug that looked like it contained brown sludge, and looked at it in distaste.

"It is a combination of ground fennel seeds, peppermint tea, ground ginger root, cumin, cinnamon and honey for sweetener. It might not look very pleasant, but it will help knock out your nausea in no time," Madam Pomfrey said.

Hermione took a small sip, it was indeed sweet to the taste, and not at all thick like she'd first thought. More the consistency of chocolate milk than that of the thick sludge she'd originally imagined.

"That's a girl," Madam Pomfrey said. "Had to whip up two other batches just tonight."

"Two?" Hermione asked, handing the now empty mug back to her.

"Yes," Madam Pomfrey drawled disapprovingly. "You don't have to tell me what happened. I heard the whole story from Mr Potter and Mr Weasley already... attending a ghost party in the dungeons... Thought you'd have known better than to do that...but I suppose not."

Hermione flushed in embarrassment.

"W-well," she began quietly. "It seemed terribly rude to not go when Sir Nicholas invited us, and I'd have to admit I was rather curious at what it would be like. It wasn't really fun though..."

"No," Madam Pomfrey said in agreement. "It wouldn't be, would it? But I suppose you do have a point... It would have been rude not to at least make the appearance that you did. Anyway, you should be able to eat something light in an hour or so, when your appetites return unhindered by the nausea. I'll bring you some soup then. You should be back to your regular diets by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. You should all stay here for the night in case you need more of this," she trailed off, gently shaking the now empty mug she held.

"Thank you," Hermione said.

"How are you doing with the other?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"Oh! You mean the..." Hermione began but cut short at the look of warning in the matron's eyes. "Oh, I should be alright. I was able to use it last night, and didn't have any other issues today. I should be okay."

"Very well," Madam Pomfrey said. "I'll be back to check on you a little later."

"Thank you," Hermione said and laid back, closing her eyes with a sigh as her stomach began to settle.

1 November 1992
No, a ghost party doesn't sound like it would be much fun, even with Peeves around. He is such a pest. Sorry to hear that you, Harry and Ron had to spend the night in the hospital wing because of it. You might have Harry mention that to Nick, maybe he'll feel guilty about it and not bother asking anyone to come to something like that again, so it might keep things like that from happening in the future.
How are you feeling now? Better I hope. Madam Pomfrey wasn't too hard on any of you last night, was she? I know she can be at times when she thinks students should know better than to do something and end up doing it anyway. I have seen that lots of times with the twins. If you want to join us for lunch if you are feeling up to it, we'd love to have you join us. Maybe we can find you something light if you're still not feeling well by then.

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