Chapter 48

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The above video header was chosen because it was done to Carol of the Bells, and this chapter is themed around Christmas, but I couldn't find anything suitable that I hadn't already used. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

25 December 1993
Dear Oliver,
Merry Christmas! I hope that you are enjoying the holiday with your family. It's probably better than mine at the moment. I really regret not going home this year. As you probably figured, I stayed to make sure Harry didn't do anything foolish.
I don't think I told you before, but on our last Hogsmeade weekend, Harry snuck into the village with the aid of Fred and George, though he had me swear to secrecy about how they did it. Even though I know that he snuck in, I'm not too pleased about it.
It was dangerous. So, because I was sworn to secrecy, I can't tell you, sorry. I don't even know if you'd be able to get it out of them. Harry did help Ron and I out though, so I can't fault him for sneaking into town. Malfoy showed up and was annoying us and Harry got the best of him and his goons.
Anyway, I stayed behind as I said, to make sure Harry didn't do anything foolish, well, because we now have confirmation that Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after Harry. Harry overheard a conversation in The Three Broomsticks about it. As it turns out, the man betrayed Harry's parents, and got them killed because he was working for... I don't have a problem saying it, but you might hear it so I'll just say You-Know-Who.
Christmas started out okay, until I messed it all up. I swear I didn't do anything bad on purpose, I was only looking out for Harry, but now he and Ron are mad at me. You see, Harry got a broomstick for Christmas, but there was no name on it. Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore didn't give it to him as he didn't recognize the handwriting on the note. It made me suspicious so I told Professor McGonagall about it before he and Ron could go out and take it for a flight, and she confiscated it to make sure that it was safe. So now they're angry with me and are not talking to me again. So now, I am here with no one really to talk to. I miss you.

25 December 1993
Merry Christmas, lass,
Wow, no, you didn't tell me that about Harry on the last Hogsmeade visit. Glad he didn't get into trouble. Also glad that he helped you and Ron out with Malfoy. I really wish that Slytherin snake would quit bothering you. I might have to make him an offer he can't refuse before I go. Aye, I don't think I'd be able to get anything out of the twins either. They can be rather difficult and tight-lipped even with me being their captain on the team.
What kind of broom did he get? Oh, sorry, lass, that's the Quidditch lover in me. You're right of course, since you don't know who it was from, it could be hexed. That sure is something about Black, and I'm glad then, that you stayed behind to keep an eye on him. I wouldn't put it past Harry to try and go after him first if Black really is after him.
I miss you too, but the break will be over soon. You can write any time. I'll give you your gift when I get back.
PS. I know I kind of left you hanging on your last note. I apologise. It's just — I wasn't sure you'd really want to hear my answer or wanted me to repeat what I had said on Halloween. I understand your fear of rejection and I, too, want to keep our friendship.
Also, I've never truly thought of you as a little girl just following me around. A little sister — for a time — perhaps, but nothing like you described. On the contrary, I enjoy your company quite a lot. Feelings can be hard things to figure out, and shouldn't be rushed if you're not sure what you feel.

True to his word, the night of his return, Oliver sent her an owl, a real owl, bearing a medium-sized box. In return, she gave the owl a treat and sent back her own parcel. Opening the box, she saw more treats and toys for Crookshanks, and a small, white box in the bottom. Opening it, she let out a gasp, covering her mouth in awed surprise as she gazed down at a pair of earrings of pale pink crystal in a floral design with darker pink centres outlined in silver. A note was sticking up out of the box, and she pulled it out and read:

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