[05] Auditions

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Since the start of the school year, Ellie has been preparing for the first school play of the year. Ellie is a fairly quite student, preferring to stay in the shadows. She doesn't like drawing attention to herself. But when it comes to actings, that's the one thing she's comfortable doing.

She doesn't mind the attention while she's on stage, but outside, she goes back to how she usually is.

Aaron and Anthony often encourage her to audition for roles and are always supporting her. They often help with rehearse the lines and calm her nerves whenever she's on the verge of having a breakdown.

"Are you nervous?" Anthony asked.

"Little," she admitted while she was waiting for her name to be called.

"You're prepared for the role," Aaron said. "You'll do great."

His confidence in Ellie made her feel better. 

Abigail Adams High School is planning on doing Beauty and the Beast. Ellie planned on auditioning for the lead role, Belle. 

"You're the perfect Belle," Anthony smiled. 

"I hope Mr. Smith thinks the same," Ellie said.

"He will," Aaron said, confidently.

Ellie opened her mouth to respond but right at that moment Mr. Smith called, "Ellie Turner!"

She bit her lip and glanced at her friends. They nudged her go to up on stage and audition.

"You're auditioning for the role of..."

"Belle," Ellie said.

"Alright," he said. 

Mr. Smith had Ellie perform a song and right after that, he chose a random scene from Beauty and the Beast and he would read out all the lines except for Belle and Ellie would have to recite Belle's line and act.

"Well done, Miss. Turner," Mr. Smith said, impressed. "Thank you."

Ellie smiled.

"You will find out if you made into the play and the role next week," Mr. Smith informed her. 

"Thank you, Mr. Smith," she said before walking off the stage.

"Farkle Minkus!" he called as Ellie walked off the stage.

"You did great!" Aaron said, happily. 

He held up his hand for a high five.

Ellie laughed happily at her friends reaction. She high fived Aaron.

"Did you hear that?" Anthony said, excitedly. "He said you did great. He might have you in the play."

"I really hope so," she said.

Farkle Minkus was auditioning on stage.

Aaron looked over at the stage.

"He doesn't seem to have given up on being in a school play, has he?" Aaron asked.

"Who?" Anthony said, looking around.

"Farkle Minkus," he said. 

"He's been auditioning since his ban from the drama has been lifted," Ellie said. "I think it's great that he hasn't given up. He's not the best, but it's cute, I guess."

"You like him?" Anthony asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I don't," she said. "I just think it's cute that he hasn't given up on acting."

Ellie glanced behind her to see Farkle perform. He had finished and was walking off stage.

"If he gets into the play, I'd be really surprised," Anthony said.

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