So begins the chase and some water.

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   Waking up on the floor between Miya and four other girls is really weird. I’m not use to this many people at sleepovers. Considering it’s usually just Miya and I.

  Miya is well known with my friends as well. So it wasn’t just girls from her grade. It was also a couple of people from my grade. She is only a year younger than me so it’s not that bad. Her friends are just very... let’s say outgoing.

  I joined Miya in the kitchen after dressing. The other girls were still asleep in her room. She handed me a plate of apple slices which I gladly took. “Are you gonna wake them up?” I snapped my fingers, “Can I pour water on them!?”

  She began to laugh and fill up two glasses of water, “Yes!”

  We climbed the stairs and looked at our victims. She made sure the water was cold so it would give them a wonderful morning.

  Miya started the countdown, “3.”

  I followed, “2.”

  We laughed and said, “1!”

  The water landed on faces, bodies, hair, and blankets. Almost none of it hit the hardwood. They screamed and sat up. One even screamed, “Help I’m drowning!”

  Maybe she was having a bad dream or something? Miya and I were on the floor laughing clutching our stomachs in pain. “You should have-“she started.

  I continued, “Seen the look on your faces!”

  When we finally stopped laughing we helped them dry themselves up by bringing in a bunch of towels. “Miya let’s go swimming later?” She nodded.

  I made my way downstairs and grabbed my purse. “Miya I gotta walk home now! I’ll see you later alright!”

 She came running downstairs and almost tackled me, “Thanks for making my birthday amazing. Why didn’t you come on stage with me though? You know I hate being stared at…”

  I just shrugged, “Because it was your night and I wanted to go snooping.”

  She looked at me funny and I left. Time to walk home I guess.


  Half way home I wanted my IPod and some gum. I reached into my bag and felt something with an odd texture. “What the-“

  I pulled out the red hat. My eye’s widened and I stared at the hat for about a minute. Then I started to laugh. So much for giving it back I guess. I must have looked like an idiot on the sidewalk laughing at a hat. Awh well…

  I placed the hat on my head and got out my IPod and the gum. Popping a piece in my mouth and putting my IPod on shuffle. What played? Up all night by One Direction.

  I hate not hearing what’s around my though so I always leave my left ear bud out. It makes me feel safe and sometimes really smart. Considering people get kidnapped from not knowing what’s going on around them. I sound paranoid…

  Almost home yes! I was thinking about my bed and how good it would feel after staying up most of the night with Miya.

  A van pulled up next to me. See being paranoid isn’t a bad choice…

  Walk faster. Run or jog if you have to! Wait no don’t go too quickly or they might be onto you. Dammit! Just get inside! Go-

  “Hey! Wait you have my hat!” Why does that voice sound so familiar?

  I turned to see a blonde, blue eyed guy walking towards me. Oh crap is that… Niall!?

  I panicked and tried to get to my apartment door. There were two rather large guys now blocking the door way. So I turned around and ran into the pool area. I saw a friend of mine and made my way over to him trying to come up with a plan. I placed my stuff down and I still had on Niall’s hat.

It started with a stupid hat! (Niall Horan.)Where stories live. Discover now