Double date gone wrong.

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Let's try this shall we? Okay Hi you wonderful readers! For those who like to skip this people don't!  I want to enter this into the wattywawards and I want to know if you would share this or vote for this? I'm sorry for not posting! Been busy! D': Forgive me? Anyways. Please COMMENT and VOTE<3

If any of you want to reach me? Read the ending authors note for info(: <3

Enjoooy! :D


  Day after my birthday and I’m sharing a bed with Miya while Eleanor, Danielle, Crystal, and Reina are in sleeping bags on the floor. After we got back to my place we had cake and goofed around. Then midnight hit and the girls decided to have a slumber party. The guys asked to join but my mom said no. It was quite funny how much Lou protested. In the end my mom won and us girls stayed in my room while her and the boys left.

  I climbed out of my bed and stepped over everyone to get into the main room. I needed some hot chocolate. I heard someone behind me but I thought it was just one of the girls so I continued to stir my hot chocolate. Someone wrapped their arms around my waist and I set down my hot chocolate to face them. Only it wasn’t my boyfriend staring back at me. It was Harry and he seemed half asleep. “Morning lovely how did you sleep? How was your first official day here? Do you like it here?”

  I pulled away from him and poked his face, “Harry I’m not Miya.” I started to laugh and he opened his eyes. “Oh… You’re Ceci. Where is Miya?”

  I shrugged, “Still sleeping I think.”

  “Nope I’m awake. I smelled hot chocolate.” She smiled and Harry wrapped his arms around her causing her to blush.

  I smirked and made them each a cup of hot chocolate, “Are you guys gonna do anything today? I mean together or…”

  Harry smiled and nodded, “Yeah I have a little something planned.”

  Miya faced him, “Wait you do?”

  He let her go and grabbed his hot chocolate. Miya looked so confused but at the same time I knew she was excited, “What are we doing?”

  He smiled, “We actually have a double date with Nialler and Ceci. I mean if you wanna go as my date?”

  I covered my mouth to avoid freaking out for Miya. She just nodded and a light blush crept onto her face. “Wait I didn’t know me and Niall were going out tonight?”

  Harry put a finger to his lips, “You’re not supposed to know. He was going to surprise you so don’t say anything!”

  I shrugged and finished my hot chocolate. Some of the other girls are up now and I decided to get changed.

  Miya walked into my room after I finished throwing on a dark grey loose shirt with a white smiley face on it, a pair of red skinny jeans, a pair of decorated converse, my one direction earrings, a spiked black belt and some red sunglasses. I didn’t know what to do with my hair so I did a simple side braid and put on a beanie that Loui got for me like a month ago.

  She examined me and smiled, “It’s going to be kind of chilly tonight. I was going to give this to you right before I left but I guess you can have it for tonight. Promise you won’t wear it until tonight though?”

  I nodded and she dug into her bag pulling out a white pull over sweater. Then she turned it around and written across it in large black letters, “I <3 Niall Horan.” On the inside of the heart said, “One Direction.”

It started with a stupid hat! (Niall Horan.)Where stories live. Discover now