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   “Yes mom I swear I will not live with Niall. Yeah you can talk to Harry hold on.”

  I handed my phone to Harry and he questioned me, “She needs to know if it will be okay for me to stay here and she wants to tell you all her rules even though she just told me.”

  He chuckled, “Hello there.”

  He took the phone so I sat next to Louis on the couch who knew what we were doing and supported it completely. I told Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry. I had to make sure it was okay with them first and I will be moving in with Harry and Louis next week if Harry can pull this off. Niall has no idea but I wanted it to be a surprise. They have a school close by so I can finish up while I’m down here. Liam was a little annoyed that I refused to just get a tutor.

  “Thank you so much Ronnie. It was a pleasure to talk to you again. See you in two weeks then. Alright. Yes I will tell her. Okay good bye.”

  Harry sat next to me and winked at me, “So all you have are clothes right? Niall didn’t get you a dresser or bed or anything?”

  I grinned and jumped on him knowing he got my mom to say yes. He just laughed and Louis joined our little happy hug thing. I started to cry from joy and they both pulled away.

  “Did we hurt you? Are you okay?!”

  I started to laugh and cry which is a really weird combo, “I’m just really happy that I’m staying with you guys. Niall still doesn’t know though…”

  I pulled out my phone and texted Zayn and Liam, “My mom said yes!”

  I sat on the floor and figured out how different it’s going to be in school and how not living with Niall is going to be strange for a couple of days but I hope will get used to it… I hope.

  “That’s great news! Let’s go celebrate!” That was from Liam.

  “No more mirror pranks and I will be happy(: Liam wants to celebrate can Crystal come?” That was from Zayn.

  I replied to both of them saying not to tell Niall why we are going out and to make up something like Zayn just wants to show off Crystal since they started to see more of each other after that night at the bar. They agreed.

  Harry and I started to pack small things like photos of my friends and I, Photos of Niall and I, Photos of the boys and I, photos of Harry and Louis, and any other photos I’ve taken since we’ve been here. They were just in a large bucket under Niall’s bed so he won’t really notice it. I also grabbed the box of posters I have under his bed. I never hung them up because Niall thought it was weird.

  Niall was coming home from Liam’s flat soon so that’s all we took and made our way back to Harry’s flat. Back to my new flat I guess. I won’t be officially moved in till the day before my mom comes here.

  I was on my laptop talking to my best friend Miya. We were on Skype and Harry walked in and sat next to me. “Hey Miya how are you?”

  She smiled, “Fine thanks? How are you best friend stealer?”

  I left the room shuffling Harry’s hair and they talked for a while. I walked over to Niall who was finishing a large bowl of cereal and still had three muffins next to him. I stole a muffin.

  He snatched it back and I glared at him. He handed it over and sighed, “Fine… I ‘ll get another one.”

  I laughed and shook my head, “Niall you are not going to finish all of that!”

  He put down his bowl and turned to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and I stared into his eyes. “I can eat as much as I want to. More than anyone actually and I’m still attractive while doing it.”

It started with a stupid hat! (Niall Horan.)Where stories live. Discover now