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Message from: Unknown 10:55PM

hey, it's a.

L: 10:56PM


Unknown 10:56PM

i'm not really sure why i
asked for your number...
i was just hoping that
maybe you could help me
become more pessimistic
like yourself so that i
wouldn't feel so horrible
about dying.

L: 10:57PM


L: 10:57PM

That's probably the
weirdest request I've
ever received in my entire
life. but, yeah, maybe i can
help. are you sure that you
want to have this outlook
on life though? like, aren't
you supposed to find every-
thing beautiful or some shit?

Unknown: 10:59PM

i don't want to find
things beautiful anymore.
it's hard to explain, but i
hate that i love everything
because it just makes it
so much harder to leave
knowing that i can never
see or be with anyone
ever again. it's painful

Unknown: 11:00PM

what's your name btw?
i'm ashton.

L: 11:01PM

I'm so sorry. Again,
I know that what I said
before was completely
rude and uncalled for.
You we're just trying to
see the good things in life
and express your feelings
and I utterly distroyed
your words with my
countered phrases.
(Oh, and I'm Luke.)

Ashton: 11:02PM

nice to meet you, luke.

and it's okay. i understand
that it's hard for some
people to see the beauty
in life, but for me, it's the
easiest thing in the world.
i was to suggest a proposal,
okay? just hear me out.

Ashton: 11:03PM

i think that we can help one
another with our issues. i'll
help you look on the bright
side if you help me see that
death isn't so bad.

Luke: 11:03PM

I... Highly doubt that
you can change my mind
but I'm always up for
a challenge. It's a deal.

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