Chapter 3

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      I want to get this mission done as soon as possible. I don't want to have to deal with the bean. No less stay in the same room as him.
      "Kanda wait!" I keep walking despite his calling out for me.
      "It's raining and dark. I think we should wait until Tomorrow". I once again ignored him and kept walking.
      The bean kept following me even out of the building. Eventually he just sighed and walked silently behind me.
       In the mission file it said that there was a lake in this town where a water angel lives. People supposedly have seen a beautiful woman arise from under the water. The file also says that there's a water dome over the lake. To make it even worse the water changes colors to match what people are feeling. There have been six missing persons reports. They were all seen last heading to the lake.
       We walked around the town, but the lake was so where in sight. I heard a grunt behind me and I turned around.
      Beansprout had his back to me and he was hunched over in pain.
      "Kanda" he squeaked. You could tell he was trying to keep his voice even.
      "Akuma. To many to count" he pointed over to a forest area. Above the trees there was a black horde that anyone else would've just though to be a dark cloud. But the exorcists know better.
      I took off running in the direction he pointed in. With the bean following close behind.
      They met up with the akuma near a lake. A lake with a water barrier. I unsheathed Mugen.
      "Innocence activate" I called. Dark blue glowing lines stared to appear along the black blade.
      I immediately went to work slicing the akuma into pieces.
      We fought for hours until we were both covered in sweat and there was only one akuma left. A level four.
      The monstrosity of a thing mocked us, but I brushed it off.
      The Bean and I took coordinated strikes at the akuma with our swords. We managed to land a few hits but they weren't enough to kill the damn thing.
      I got let out a grunt as I was thrown into a tree. I opened my eyes just in time to see the bean get stabbed in the stomach. The akuma dropped the beans body and it fell lifelessly to the ground. Then it turned to me.
      I  stood up and tried to lift my dislocated arm to hold my sword, but my  injuries don't heal as fast as they used to. I popped my shoulder back in its socket myself and it healed quickly afterward.
      The level four wasn't patient enough to let me heal though. Taking the opportunity it lifted it's arm and shot a me. In the akuma gas I couldn't see, so I had no idea what happened until I saw beansprout in from of me with a sword stabbed through his throat.
      With the akuma distracted I used Mugen to slice through the akuma, killing it.
      I looked down to see beansprout sitting in the ground in front of me with a hand on either of his stab wounds.
      I walked towards the lake and touched the barrier. It immediately turned a crimson red.
      I touched it and stepped through. As the mission report said there was a woman made out of water standing in the middle of the lake.
      "Child I have seen you. I have heard you. You are destined to do great things with that boy."the woman spoke in a soothing voice.
Great things my ass. I should just let him die.
"But you won't will you? Leave him to die" she spoke again.
"Che. Just give me the innocence." I ordered her.
"You should go to him" she said ignoring me.
"Just give me the innocence. I don't have time for this shit!" I shouted.
"Go to him" Fuck it! I ran out of the water barrier and sprinter to where the bean is.
When I got to where he was there nothing there. Only a puddle of blood. I could see a track of blood that heads towards the barrier.
"Fucking bean!" I swore.
Beansprout was right next to where I came out of the barrier. His hand was shaking violently as he tried to reach for the lake.
"Kan-da" the wind blew a message in my direction. The beans voice was cracked and dry.
      When the beans hands touched the barrier it immediately turned a dark black.
      Two hands made of water and reached for the bean. I sprinted over but I was to late. The hands already dragged a soaked beansprout into the barrier.
      I heard a shriek coming from the barrier. Fucking hell!
Thank you to the people who just started reading. I hope you stick with me!

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