Chapter 27

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"Yo Earl" greeted Allen Walker or should I say Neah.
      The Earls eyes widened and tears started to fall from them. His precious 14th is back. His other half had returned.
     Lavi was shocked. He stumbled back from Neah and went over to his other injured comrade. Kanda.
      He was in bad condition. Cuts and bruises littered his body, and the blood won't stop falling from his unattached arms.
      Lavi honestly didn't know what to do. Kanda's body usually  heals itself by now. It seemed like something was in the way.
Lavi has seen how Jasdevi fights, so be decided to check Kanda. He looked over his unconscious friend.
"Damn. He got poisoned. Seeing how his blood isn't clotting it has to be brodifacoum." Lavi bared his teeth. He didn't know what to do. He had to trust that Kanda's body will heal itself.
He looked over at All-Neah. He was embracing the Earl. Neah lifted his hands and brought them to the sides of the Earl face. He untangled himself from the other Noah his eyes full of fury.
"I was going to be the millennial Earl, but your Noah went to far. They tortured my nephew. Now that you are the only one left you shall die a death so painful you can't even imagine" Neah yelled loudly. He started laughing like a mad man.
Lavi was confused to say the least. He's never heard anything about Neah besides what Allen knows.
The two Noah separated. Neah held his hand out, stopping the Earl. He walked over to Lavi and stopped right in front of him.
"Boy. The one next to you is hurt. Move aside and I'll heal him." Neah put his hand on Kanda's tattoo. A sudden wind picked up swirling around the pair.
Kanda's injuries healed in an instant. Kanda groggily opened his eyes and saw Neah. He narrowed his eyes and shot back.
"What did you do?" Kanda asked.
"He just healed you" Lavi said. He sounded confused himself.
Kanda skeptically looked at Neah. Why would he do that?
"I'm sure you're wondering why I did that. It's simple I need you to help me kill the Earl" Neah said lazily. Kanda glared at the man taking over the beans body.
"Do you love my nephew?" Neah asked. Kanda was shocked, but he replied.
"Who would love a bean like him?" Kanda growled. Neah smirked at Kanda.
"Good. I knew I made the right choice. Take care of my nephew Kanda Yuu" Neah turned away from Kanda and walked back towards the Earl. He dropped his hand and the Earl stumbled forward a bit.
The Earl bared his teeth at the man he was crying over only moments ago. The two Noah engaged in battle. Trading blow after blow. Neah called upon Allen's innocence and fought with his exorcism sword.
Kanda wobbly stood up and charged at the Earl.
"Keep him occupied boy" Neah commended. Kanda hated being told what to do, but he listened to Neah anyway.
Inside Allen's mind he was chained to a chair. He sat there looking out of the eyes of his body, but he wasn't in control.
From one side Neah walked up to him and smiled.
"You need to help me" the chains that tied Allen down snapped one after the other.
The eyes of Allen's body closed and Neah started to walk Allen through his plan.
"Concentrate. Imagine a piano" Allen closed his eyes and set his mind completely on a piano.
Within seconds a piano appeared. It was the same piano that is in the arc. In fact the whole entire room changed, but that was thanks to Neah.
"Let's sit nephew" Neah said in a low voice.
Both bodies sat next to each other on the piano bench. They sat shoulder to shoulder.
"Let's play. Imagine power. Build up your power and let me take the lead" the Noah coached. Allen was hesitant, but he did as the Noah told him.
Allen could hear the noises of sword clashing with sword. Kanda was fighting. He would trust this man if it meant Kanda would live.
Allen set his fingers down on the higher side of he piano. Neah did the same on the lower side. Allen mustered up all the energy and strength he could. Without him even noticing his hands played the 14ths song.
Neah let Allen take the lead and played a simple repetitive sequence. With just a few notes from Neah the whole song seemed to change. It held a different kind of power, but it was also Allen's will that did that.
Neah smiled. His nephew is strong. Stronger than he knows.
       Neah brought his head back to the task at hand. The two swords. Allen's and the Earls are two parts of a whole.
      Neah used all his energy to put the swords back to their original state. Their combined glory.
     Kanda was evenly matched with the Earl. Each one attacking and the other blocking with perfect timing.
      Allen's body was just collapsed on the ground. The damn bean just closed his eyes and fell down. That Noah's going to get it later for ordering him around.
      Kanda felt different. He was strong he knew that, and his healing abilities aren't as good as they used to be but they still work. Something just felt different to Kanda. He felt a strength he's never had before. He wondered if it was because Neah healed him.
      He didn't have time to focus on that right now. He needed to take down the Earl.
    Sword met sword. Kanda's Mugen and the Earls sword we're pushing against each other. Kanda immediately jumped back when the Earls sword started to glow.
      The Earl seems just as surprised as Kanda.
     "Damn it 14th don't get in my way!" The Earl yelled at Allen's body.
     While the Earl was distracted Kanda glanced at Allen.
     A white glows was coming from crown clown. Allen's skin was gray like the Noahs, but his crown crown was activated.
      Everyone was shocked. Allen was still unconscious. Crown clowns straps were slithering around Allen enveloping his body. His arm transformed into his sword which was also glowing.
      Kanda has to shield his eyes from the light. An explosion of energy sent Kanda back a few feet.
     When the light faded Allen Walker stood there. He was like an angel. Kanda gasped quietly and his eyes went wide.
     One of Allen's eyes were a glowing grey and his cursed eyes was a shimmering gold. His hair shone like the moon making his skin look pale. Any injuries he had were completely gone only leaving faint scars. 
      A melody was surrounding him. It was similar to the one in the arc, but this one felt so much more
       Allen's mouth was moving along to the quiet lyrics. He put his hand out and his sword came to him.
    Something flew past Kanda's head only centimeters from killing him. The damn Earls sword.
      The Earls sword hovered over Allen's hand laying under his exorcism sword.
     They slowly melted and molded into one.
     The new sword had a gold hilt with silver swirling around it. The blade was a completely black with symbols on both sides. It had the same shape of the separate swords only longer.
     "Y-you can't do this 14th!" The Earl yelled.
  "You went to far. Your existence threatens the very world. You must not live" the voice was strong. It sounded like Allen and Neah were talking at the same time. It had the determination of Allen's voice, but the hatred of Neah's.
       In one swift movement Allen was in front of the Earl, his sword buried in the Earls chest.
      "This ends now" Allen ripped the sword out of the Earl chest and he fell to the ground. His creepy body took on a human form.
      Allen sat down next to the Earl with his head on his lap. The Earl had tears spilling from his eyes.
     The sobs stopped coming from the Earl and Allen closed the Earls eyes.
     Allen stood up and walked towards Kanda.
"I healed you earlier, but to came with a price" Allen's body turned back to the Noah's grey.
      "So it's still you, Noah?" Kanda asked. Neah responded with a simple nod.
"Do you vow to take care of my nephew? You love him, correct?" Kanda scowled but still nodded. Neah smiled down at Kanda.
"I can only heal Allen" all the exorcists eyes were on the two. Everyone, including Kanda and Lavi, were confused.
"To heal you I combined your curses. Your lives are now as one. The lotus no longer determines your time. I gave both you and my nephew life force. My nephew of corse was mad at me" Neah shook his head as if he was sad.
"He doesn't want me in control. In order to prevent this and to protect your safety I have given you a command seal. If I ever take over or my nephew is about to do something foolish you have the power to command his body and our minds, but it comes at a large cost." Everyone was on edge. Neah had a dark look in his eyes.
    What could be the cost? Kanda thought.
The next chapter is probably the last 😭😭.
I have been thinking of making a sequel. Comment if you would like me to continue this.
The first chapter of my new story 'death lullaby' has been posted. Please check it out.

Comment if you want a sequel.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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