Chapter 17

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Everyone in the black order is growing more distant. They all seem to be scared of me. Is it because of the 14th?
I ran into something hard and fell on my butt. I look up to see Kanda scowling at me. Come to think of it I haven't seen him in awhile.
"Move it beansprout!" Kanda growls. I let out a small squeak and stand up.
I see my reflection from the corner of my eyes. Something isn't right. I turn completely towards the window and look at my reflection.
It's not there. I look down the halls into more windows looking for it. Nothing.
No dark figure. No Noah. No 14th. In my moment of happiness I turn around and hug Kanda.
"It's gone" I giggle to myself.
"Oi beansprout" I snap out of my daze and let go of Kanda.
"Sorry" I apologize. Kanda looks away and grunts. He walks past me fumbling something under his breath.
Did I just imagine that? Kanda had a pink dusting on his face. He didn't push me away either.
Now in a great mood I happily skip down the halls of the order.
The next day Kanda comes up to me while I eat my breakfast.
"We have a mission. Be in Komui's office in five minutes" I nod and pick up the pace of my eating.
I walk down the halls ignoring the mean looks that come my way.
Komui debriefs us and we head out immediately. I'm a little nervous though. This innocents reveals people's deepest feelings.

••••• Time Skip •••••
"Kanda! To your 3 o'clock!" I shout. He gracefully slices through the last Akuma. Kanda bends down to pick up the innocents. The innocents is hidden inside a pearl earring.
Kanda just stands there eyes locked on it. I walk over to Kanda, and I reach my hand out to pat his shoulder but I stop. He doesn't like being touched let alone by me.
"Good job Kanda. Let's go back" I say cheerily. Kanda's face  seems to flush. I saw his lips move, but I couldn't hear what he said.
"What?" I ask.
"Why did you drop your arm!" He yells. A bit taken a back, I continue to stare at him.
"You hate people touching you" I say flatly.
"Not if it's you" still not perfectly sure what's going on I pat Kandas shoulder. A small smile found its way to his face.
My eyes widen. I look at him questioningly. Did he just..?
"I love you dammit!" He yells. I hop back a bit from the rage in Kandas voice.
I'm so confused. I have no idea what's going on. Why do I feel so happy though?
I look at the innocents in Kanda's hand and it hits me. The innocents is effecting him.
"C'mon Kanda. You don't know what you're saying" I say hesitantly. He takes steps over to me until I'm pressed up against a tree.
Kanda grabs the collar of my shirt and yanks my face towards his. Our lips lock.
His mouth moves on top of mine. He licks my teeth asking for entrance. Just not realizing what's going on I slowly open my mouth. I start moving my lips eagerly pressing into his.
We end up having to break apart because of lack of air, but when we catch our breaths I'm once again locked in a battle with Kanda. In the end Kanda won. Just like last time.
        We walked back to the inn, hand in hand. We didn't talk at all, but a comfortable silence sat between us.
        Right when the door closed Kanda was on top of me. Both of his hands were on either side of my head. I jumped back a bit and squeaked.
"K-Kanda" I stammered our his name not sure what else to say.
"I can't help myself" he said seemingly out of breath. We ended making out for awhile but Kanda broke apart from me. He said he didn't want me to be limping around tomorrow.
"I won't be carrying your ass around" Kanda said with a smirk. That night we held onto each other and talked about anything and everything.
A question was plaguing my mind.
"Why did you fall in love with me?" I asked Kanda. He seemed a bit taken back. He gently kissed my forehead and gripped my hand.
"From the first day I met you. You were an angel. At first I didn't know what it was. I thought I hated you. You were to sweet. You were an angel in the middle of this hell. I didn't want to get my hopes up" Kanda took a deep breath and looked in my eyes.
"But you didn't die. Once I realized that you won't leave me I- I couldn't deny my feeling anymore" this time it was my turn to kiss Kanda on the forehead.
The next morning Kanda and I took a bath together. He helped me wash my hair and he, though reluctantly, let me do the same.
I got dressed while Kanda stayed in the bathroom. When he walked out he was clothed.
"Let's go" I look at him skeptically and refused to move.
"Kanda you need to dry your hair" I tell him while crossing my arms. We go back and forth for a bit until he plopped down on the bed, grunting.
I smiled at my little victory and get to work drying and brushing his hair.
      "Oh we should call Komui and tell him we have gathered the innocents"
       I unconscious start to run my fingers through his hair. I felt him shiver under my touch and I pulled my hand away. Kanda caught my hand midair and held my wrist.
      "Don't stop" he orders. I smile and continue playing with Kanda's hair.
       After a bit Kanda went to find a phone so he could call Komui. 
       My hands felt cold. It was nice playing with Kandas hair. I lift my hands in front of my face and smile. His hair is so silky and smooth.
      A few minutes Kanda burst in the room with a smirk on his face.
      "He's letting us stay for another week" he tells me. YAY!
      I jump up and down around the room. I get to spend a week with Kanda
Sorry this chapter was delayed. I've been cleaning and doing homework nonstop.
I've been busy with choir as well, but I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner than usual
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

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