Chapter 21

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Tyki and Kanda traded blows, but the fight was over in a short amount of time. Ending only when Tyki's head was rolling on the ground.
Behind Kanda, Lavi stood there shell shocked. He's never seen Kanda so angry before.
In a different place the Earl and his other Noah were sitting around a table. Every one of them had tears in their eyes.
        Having two Noah dead meant war. They would make sure the five exorcist never make it back to the order. They were going to send them to their detestable God. Each Noah stood up and began to take their places.
     Lavi and Kanda made their way back to where the bean was. Though, in less of a hurry than last time, Kanda was still walking pretty quickly.
      Lavi repeatedly asked Kanda questions, but he was to deep in his thoughts to hear anything Lavi said.
       When the pair made it back Lavi rushes to Lenalee asking her questions.
       Lenalee had tears streaming down her face. She was crying ever since she saw Allen's body. However, Allen's body was covered now. Under Kanda's jacket were strips of ripped clothes, from Marie's clothes, wrapped around Allen's wounds, but his wounds pretty much covered his whole body. Lenalee and Marie did what they could.
         Kanda, not letting anyone touch his bean, gently put Allen on his back. The group started heading black to headquarters.
The group of five found a cabin nearby and decided to treat Allen's wounds better. They all agreed It would be best for everyone if they stayed there a few nights.
Marie stared on cooking some food while Lave gathered wood for the fire. Lenalee sat near the door, her eyes glazing over as she looks at Allen. Kanda was tearing up the house looking for first aid supplies.
By the time Marie was done cocking the fire was burning, and the worst of Allen's wounds were treated. Kanda was pissed that he couldn't find all the necessary medical supplies, but Marie managed to calm him down somewhat.
They all ate dinner in various places around the house. Everyone ate silently. Lenalee's occasional sob and Lavi's comforting words were the only noise that anyone made that night.
Kanda was to scared to make any noise. Instead he concentrated his whole mind on the beans breathing. He needed to make sure the bean was alive. That was the only thing he cared about now.
Hours past and the sky was now black. A loud crash awoke Lavi from his slumber. Everyone else was already up and on their feet.
After the crash it went quiet. All four exorcists in a offensive position with their innocents activated.
The door slowly creaked open to reveal two Noah. Lulubell and Sheryl . While Lulubell has her usual blank expression, Sheryl was seething.
His Tyki and his previous daughter Road have been killed. Sheryl, waiting no time, charged at Kanda while Lulubell attacked Lenalee and Lavi with her whip. Marie did what he could to back them up.
"Dodge to your left Sheryl" a calm voice sounded from the door. Marie looked up to see Wisley.
Kanda cursed when he saw the third Noah enter the house.
Lavi dodged Lulubell's attacks repeatedly, while Kanda strikes Sheryl over and over again. His hatred was lit again seeing the Noah.
Sheryl tangled Kanda's sword hand in his puppet strings. He laughed and made Kanda drop his Mugen. Sheryl was then able to take over Kanda's other limbs. Just to mock Kanda, Sheryl made Kanda twirl around a few times before just making Kanda go limp.
"Let me go you Noah bastard!" Kanda shouted. He continued to yell at the Noah, not being able to do anything else.
"I acquired the boy. Finish them off please." Kanda looked over to see Wisley holding the bean.
No! I won't let him be taken again. Kanda put everything he could into moving, but he couldn't. I have to move dammit! Kanda used all of his strength into getting free.
One of his arms were free, from there Kanda got his other parts free from the constraints.
He picked up his sword and cut at Sheryl continuously until he was dead.
Kanda's glare was now directed towards Wisley. Wisley had shock written all over his face. How was he not able to predict Kanda's moves.
Kanda charged at Wisley while he brought up his arms to protect himself, but that didn't stop Kanda from slicing both of his arms off then stabbing him in the chest.
Just then Kanda heard a groan. He looked over at the bean and saw him shift. Kanda rushes over to Allen while supporting his broken arm.
Allen sat up slowly. His hair covered his eyes so it was impossible to see his expression.
I'm a monster echoed in Allen's head over and over again. He killed Kanda. He was a murderer.
Hearing the sounds of fighting Allen looked over at Lulubell and Lavi fighting.
Allen's breath started coming in quick pants. No. No Lavi's dead. Allen crawled back as far away from Lavi as he could. His mind was going crazy. Nothing seemed real. Allen didn't know what to believe.
       This is all my fault. Allen shakily stood up. Kanda was yelling at him in the background, but Allen was still oblivious to Kanda's presence.
      Allen's innocents activated. Waves of power rolled off of him surprising everyone. Allen charged at Lulubell and drove his sword straight through her chest. She fell to the ground, but Allen continued to stab her until she was unrecognizable.
     Lavi grabbed Allen's arms, but he couldn't hold the white head back. 
      "Let go!! You're dead. Let me go" Allen screamed hysterically.
      "Oi, beansprout" Allen stopped moving completely.
      Allen dropped his sword and clutched his head. No. He's dead. A single tear made it down Allen's face. He took a deep breath.
      "No one is left to punish me for what I've done." Allen said calmly. They're are my ghosts, Allen thought.
     "What do you mean Allen?" Lenalee asks.
     "You too, huh?" Allen murmured. He lifted up crown clown and stabbed his sword into his chest.
    Allen opened his eyes when he felt no pain. Kanda stood in front of him holding onto crown clown.
     "What do you think you're doing?" Kanda asked in a deadly voice.
     Allen stayed quiet. Why won't they just let him die? Do they want him to live with his sins? To suffer for the rest of his life?
Kinda a sad chapter. Whoops?  Anyway I hope you enjoyed. I'm planning on posting the next two chapter this week. I have a good idea for a new fanfic.
Hope you enjoyed.

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