Chapter 2

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Niall's Pov

The girl, Ellis, said nothing, she just stood there, staring blankly at me. I held my hand in front of her still, and she finally took it, giving it a small shake. We held each others gaze for a few moments longer, before a small cough interrupted us.

“Hate to break up this stare off guys, but we’ve got six bags between four boys here.” Louis slapped his hands onto my shoulders, and peered over them smiling away.

“Ah yes, shall we head off then?” The boys each picked up a bag, whilst I struggled with two. Harry set off with Liam and Louis alongside him, Zayn and Ellis shortly following behind. I flipped the rucksack onto my back, and lifted up the bigger one, stumbling slightly. They were about the same weight, but I was struggling with both. After gaining my balance for a seconds, I jogged after the others, trailing behind Zayn.

“You alright there man?” Zayn glanced back at me, a half smile playing on his mouth. Ellis looked over her shoulder, and stopped. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to stop, and we collided, our foreheads bashing together.

“Oh god, I’m sorry! I didn’t me-” Ellis had her hands on my chest, blinking at me rapidly.

“It’s okay! My mistake.” A gave her a small smile, and she flushed a shade of crimson.

“I just wondered if you needed help carrying your bag?” She glanced down at the bag in my hand before slipping her hand over the top of mine, sending tingles up my fingers. I released the grip on the bag, letting her take all of the weight. We continued to walk, and I decided to strike up a conversation.

“So, how do you know Harry?” I glanced up at Harry, who was skipping up the road with Zayn, his curls bouncing with every jump.

“We’ve been friends for a few years, met in year seven.” She tilted her head towards me, smiling slightly.

“Just friends? Don’t tell me there is nothing going on.” I said playfully, laughing. She blushed a shade of crimson, and I felt a sudden sinking feeling. Maybe she did like him?

“Naah. People always tell me that, but no. There’s nothing there.”

“Oh, cool!” I said a little too happily, and she stared at me, an eyebrow raised. It was my turn to blush, my face filling with blood. She giggled, and skipped ahead a few steps. We’d fallen behind a lot, so I jogged after her, catching up with the others. Ellis struck up a conversation with Zayn, and I listened intently, my eyes focused on her incredible features. She had dark blonde hair, straight but tangled slightly, strands falling over her emerald eyes. Her skins was pale, with a few freckles dotted on her nose. Her lips were small, soft looking, a rosy colour. She was dressed in a floral skirt with a plain White t shirt tucked in. She had a general cuteness about her that just mesmerised me, I couldn’t stop looking. Whic would explain why the next thing I was looking at the gravel patterns on the ground.

I tripped over the tiniest stone, falling face first onto the pavement. Laughter erupted from above me, and I slowly looked up to see five sets of eyes on me, tears of laugher building behind them. I picked myself up slowly, and they laughed even harder. I dusted myself down, only a few grazes on my palms. My face was red and hot, my embarrassment hard to hide. I adjusted the rucksake on my back, and began walking again. Louis hung back until he was at the same walking pace as me, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Now we know who the clutz of the group is!"


Sorry that some of the Chapters are short.

Feedback appreciated :)

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