Chapter 7

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Ellis Pov

It had been a week. A long, boring, lonely week. I’d missed Harry, I’d missed him calling me every morning, jumping on me randomly, ruffling his hair. I’d also missed the other lads; for the week I was with them, I had really enjoyed their company. And Niall, I had missed him more. So much more.

Friday rolled around, and the boys were due back today, I could barely contain my excitement. I remained in bed until oneish, wanting the day to waste away so I could see Harry again. After finally gaining the energy to get up, I kicked back the covers of my duvet, and slowly crept downstairs. I stumbled into the kitchen, still slightly drowsy and opened the fridge. I took out the carton of orange juice, taking a huge mouthful.


I froze in panic, forgetting about the juice down my throat. I started choking, coughing loudly. My throat started to burn. A pair of hands wrapped themselves round my waist, trying to force some air up to my lungs. After a few attempts, I could breathe again, the air soothing my throat.

“Careful, don’t want you dying on my return!” I recognised the voice instantly. I spun round I threw my arms around Harry’s neck, burying my face in his curls. We hugged for a few seconds longer, before the burning desire for information made me release my grip.

“What are you doing back so soon? I thought you were coming back in the evening?”

“I lied.” He gave me a cheeky wink, before skipping out of the kit hen into the living room. Dying to know more, I chased after him, bounding into the living room at full speed. Harry was led collapsed on the sofa, so I dived on top of him. We stayed there for the rest of the day, hugging, laughing, catching up. He told me everything about the X Factor, what song they sung, how they rehearsed, and everything in-between. And I mean everything. I begged him to spare me the gory details.

“Oay, maybe I was a bit over the top, but The others got a fair bit flirty too! Some of the older boys snuck some alcohol in for us, and Niall being the lightweight got tipsy on one can.” Niall. His name made my heart flutter slightly.

“Oh yeah?” I was curious as to hear what Niall got up to, wanted to hear of his wild side.

“Yeah. He started dancing on the beds naked, doing the macarena.” I couldn’t help but picture it in my head. “He started flirting with the girls one of the girl groups, got her number, we even caught them snogging.”

I tensed up at the last word. Snogging? Like, kissing? Someone else? I mean.. no. I wasn’t jealous. Why would I be? We were both single, independent people, we could do what we wanted. But I couldn’t help but feel broken, let down. Harry went on about other stories, other wild things they got up to over the week, but I had lost interest. I felt awful, he was my best friend, but I couldn’t focus on anything he said. It was only when Harry mentioned they were all come back down to his next week that I suddenly perked up.

“Wait, they’re coming back? For what?” and then it dawned on me. My eyes widened in surprise, happiness bursting from me. I threw myself at Harry, squealing as I did.



The next week passed pretty quickly, as I spent most of it with Harry. We did all of the normal things we did whilst we could, before he became famous. Who knows if we’d ever be able to have a normal friendship again. Wednesday afternoon finally rolled around, and the boys were due to arrive. I wanted to see them again, but I didn’t know how to act around Niall. It was stupid, I was making up all of these fantasies in my head, hoping I had misunderstood Harry.. somehow.


Hope you like the Story so far :)

Feedback appreciated

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