Chapter 18

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Niall's Pov

“No I’m fine.”



“Are you sure? I think you should get tested..”

“LOUIS I DON’T HAVE SYPHILIS!” Louis started laughing at me, finding his suggestion hilarious.

“Positive? You have all the symptoms.” I grabbed a cushion and flung it at him, hitting him whilst he was offguard. He reacted by diving on top of me, squashing me between his small frame and the cushions on the sofa. Liam came and slouched down opposite us, a cup of liquid in his hands, which he placed on the table in front of me. Liam had come with me to the hospital whilst I got checked out, and we were back at the house two hours later.

“Oi. Careful Louis, he’s fragile.” Louis lifted himself off of me gently, sitting up next to me.

“Were just having fun!” Louis protested, putting on a small strop.

“I know, but Niall’s sick,” I tensed up at the sound of my name, glancing at Liam. He didn’t acknowledge my existence, and kept talking straight to Louis. “We need to be careful around him.”

“I know, but a cushion can’t do much damage to him.”

“Again, I know. But he’s we, we have to take care of him.” I couldn’t take it. The way they were talking, it’s like they forgot I was sat right next to them.

Would you stop?! I’m right here!” My voice was shaking with anger, taking the other two boys aback.

“Niall..” Louis rested his hand on my shoulder, but I jerked it awkwardly, shaking him off.

“Stop treating me like a child! I can take care of myself!” I slammed my hands down in the table, knocking over the glass of water, the liquid spilling out. Liam jumped up and picked the glass up, searching round for something to clear it up the mess with.

“Niall, be careful!”

“Why? Because I’m sick? I’m malnourished, I’m not dying! Go and fuss over someone else!” I kicked Louis’ legs out of the way, brushing past him and out of the room, slamming the door. All of the anger suddenly left me, a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I hesitated outside the door, waiting for them to start talking about me.

“Liam, ease up on him. He’s a big boy.”

“I can’t help it. I’m just worried about him.”

“We all are.”

I would’ve kept listening but my phone started to buzz in my pocket, and I bounced away from the door, answering it. It was Ellis.


“Niall? NIALL!” She practically screamed down the phone, causing me to flinch. “Are you okay? Louis said you were in hospital? I’m sorry. Are you alright? Niall? Say something!”

“I would if you’d let me talk!” I coughed at the silence down the phone, guessing she wanted me to explain. “I am, well I was in the hospital. But it’s fine. Nothing major.”

“What was wrong?” She seemed a bit more timid now, scared of saying the wrong thing.

“Oh, uhm..” I didn’t know if I should tell her. What would she say? Why did she care? “Malnourishment.”


“It’s like.. not enough vitamins, iron, good stuff in my sys-“

“No, I know what it means, but why are you malnourished? You were fine when I saw you in October..” Ellis trailed off, and I waited for her to guess what was wrong. She’s a smart girl, it wouldn’t take her long. “Was it.. my fault?” There it was.

“No, no. I’m just tired from rehearsals, not sleeping, no time to eat and things.” All technically true, except when I did go to eat, Ellis would creep back in my mind, make me feel physically sick again. A repeating pattern.


“Ellis, it’s fine.” I let out a small chuckle to reassure her, which she seemed to buy it.

“If you say so. But that wasn’t the reason I originally called.” She paused for a second, sounding almost reluctant to start talking again. I was wondering if maybe you were free to do something? Like.. something?”

I chuckled slightly at her awkwardness, trying to reassure her. I had two options. I could either back out of it, make up some rubbish about being too busy with rehearsals, not allowed out, blah blah blah. Or I could agree, and finally get to see her properly again. I’d be able to hug her, hold her. Just thinking about it made my heart skip a beat. I swallowed, preparing myself.

“What did you have in mind?”

Niall Is A Little Lost - A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now