Chapter 15

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Niall jumped right back, his eyes wide. He bit down hard on his lip, his face losing what little colour he had left in his cheeks. He stumbled back a few steps, crashing into the dressing table. In an attempt to act cool he quickly placed one hand on the table, the other running through his soft hair.

“You.. You what?” His voice was small, weak. He cleared his throat, his voice stronger this time. “Oh right, well okay.”

“Niall.. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m fine.” He dropped his head, staring at his shuffling feet.

“Niall you don’t have to act cool.” His head shot up towards me, and it shocked me. He looked hurt. No, he looked crushed. His eyes were slightly watery, I didn’t want to see him cry as much as he did t want to cry in front of me.

“Just.. why?”

“Because you’re all the way down here. And if you don’t win, you’ll split up, go back home. I won’t ever see you. I don’t want to let it get that far and be crushed.”

“But what if we do win?”

“Then I’ll still never see you. You’ll be touring, recording. It won’t work.”

Niall collapsed against the wall, letting out a deep sigh. I hated breaking bad news to people, and this was the worst news I could give.

“And when did you decided this?”


“You what??” That did it. He flipped. “You mean it’s a spur of the moment? You could at least think about it! But no! You’d rather save yourself.”

“Niall..” I walked towards him, open for an embrace. He held his hand out, palm facing me.

“Don’t.” He was quiet, broken. “I just thought.. maybe we had something?”

“We did.”

“Something worth fighting for.”

I opened my mouth to talk, but no words came out. Anything I would have said would have been rambles. We just stood there in silence, neither of us speaking a word, neither of us even moving. We just stayed there in each others company for about ten minutes, the atmosphere tense.

“So.. that’s it then?” Niall’s voice pierced the silence, making me jump out of my skin. “There’s nothing I can do?” I shook my head at him, still unable to form words. He sighed audibly, and took a few stoppers towards me. He wrapped his arms around me, embracing me gently. Resting his cheek against my forehead, he stroked my hair, holding me close. I was going to miss this. Part of me begged myself to change my mind, tell him how much I wanted him, but I couldn’t bring myself to.

“If that’s what you want.” He released his grip on me, taking a step back. Niall took a final glance at me, then turned to face the door. Pulling it open, he disappeared outside, leaving me alone.

That was the last time I saw a happy, healthy Niall.


Sorry guys that this chapter is short :(

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