Chapter 6

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Niall's Pov

I jogged down the stairs, stopping abruptly in front of Ellis. She bit her lip in concentration, pondering an answer for why she was leaving without saying goodbye to me. I gave her a reassuring smile, which she returned.

“It’s alri’.” She shuffled about awkwardly on the spot, shoving her hands deep into her pockets. “So, I guess I’ll see you round then?”

“Yeah, uhm, later.” Ellis opened her mouth again to speak, but nothing came out. She swallowed her words, turned round and headed out of the door without another word, or even a look back. I couldn’t but feel a little let down, I was expecting a hug, or some form of embrace. Rejection stinging slightly, I headed back into the living room, and slouched down next to Liam, letting out a deep sigh.

“You alright man?” Liam didn’t move his gaze from the screen, but I knew he was addressing me.

“Yeah, ace.”


Monday morning, and we were up early. We had to be in London for 11 to catch the plane at 12, and I was never one for an early start. The alarm for us to get up went off twice, ringing loudly in my ears, jolting me from my slumber. As loud as it was, it wasn’t until Louis’ frame cam crashing down on me that I was finally pulled from my comatose state. I threw him off playfully, and sat up, slowly coming to life.

“Come on Niall my boy, We’ve got an hour! Up and at them laddy!” Louis’ voice trailed off as he left the room, leaving me to adjust to life. I wasn’t the last one awake, which was unusual. We’d slept in the living room, it was the biggest in the house. We’d managed to convince Harry to wear underwear in bed, we didn’t want the incident of the first night to occur again. I got up off of the floor, yawning loudly. Running my hands through my hair a few times, I left the living room, still slightly unbalanced. The house was silent, except for murmurs coming from the kitchen. Taking a last look at the sleeping mop of curls on the sofa, I stepped towards the kitchen.

“Vas happenin’ sleepy?” Zayn’s voiced echoed in the kitchen, and I flickered my eyes to where he stood. He was showered and fully dressed, as was Liam, leaning cooly against counter. Liam was sat down at the table, his hands hugging a mug of something. I stood in the doorway, my hands still tangled in my hair, one eye open, adjusting to the light.

“How long have you been up?” My voice was croaky, always was in the mornings. 

“About an hour. The doorbell woke me up.” Doorbell? I blinked rapidly, my eyes now equipped to tackle the light. I looked at Liam, who was staring at something else, someone else. Dragging my eye to the other end of the table, I rested my eyes on the one thing that set my heart on fire.

Ellis was sat casually on the wooden chair, her elbows propped up on the table, her chin rested in her delicate hands. Her eyes fell into mine for a split second, before the fell down and rested onto my body, making me very aware of the fact I was half naked in a kitchen. Desperate to change conversation, I took note of the missing member.

“Where did Lou go?”

“Shower,” Liam said, taking another sip from his mug. “And you’re next.”


“I’m gonna miss you, you big oaf.” Ellis tackled Harry playfully, jumping onto his back. We were gathered outside Harry’s, at half nine in the morning, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, causing a beautiful glow across his front garden. Louis was already buried deep within the car, Liam shortly following. Zayn was trailing behind me, each with a bag in hand.

I drew my attention away from Ellis and Harry, trying not to get jealous. I knew nothing was going on, but that still didn’t stop the green monster from invading my brain. I lifted the bag over my head, dumping it into the boot of the car. Dusting my hands off, I headed into the car, but was surprised to find a second pair grab me from behind and pull me back. A head appeared over my shoulder, their lips tingling against my ear. Blonde strands of hair fell over my shoulder, and I immediately knew who it was.

“I’m going to miss you too, blondy.” Ellis whispered sweetly into my ear, sending a slight shiver jolting down my spine. I grinned to myself as I climbed into the car, taking the seat in between Liam and Louis.

“Someone’s happy.” Louis gave my a small nudge, a smirk on his lips.

“You have no idea, man.”

Niall Is A Little Lost - A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now