Chapter Two

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A/N: i was going to update TPG Outtakes first but Jason demanded my attention more :p


Chapter Two

"Wow, your office is gorgeous," Charlotte gushed as she sat down in one of the two chairs that were perched in front of my desk. Her eyes were trained on my book case and I wondered if she still loved reading as much as she did when she was younger.
"Thank you, I had a professional arrange everything for me." I sat down in my swivel chair and pretended to ignore her when she crossed her legs, revealing more skin.
"Really?" She frowned. "Why didn't you just get Becky to do it?"
I cleared my throat. Seems Luis didn't update her on my martial status.
"Rebecca and I are divorced," I murmured stiffly.
Charlotte's eyes widened. "What? Why? When?"
"Would you like to know where and how as well?" I teased her, dodging her questions effortlessly.
"Don't change the subject," she said, rolling her eyes.
I sighed, logging into my computer. "How about we save this conversation for later, we have some things to discuss and work to do."
"Whatever you say Mr. Hyland," she giggled, the sound sending a shock through my body. I cleared my throat, subtly adjusting myself when she glanced down at her fingernails.
I needed to get a grip on myself.
"I got your resume but I already know how amazing you are. Your mom won't let me forget." I shot a wink at her with a grin, earning a enchanting giggle and pink blush.
"Sorry, you know how she gets when it comes to me," she shrugged. "I swear I could've became a garbage person and she still would've been gushing about me to her book club friends."
"It's alright, I like hearing about my favorite monkey."
Maybe if I pretend she's still seven these feelings will go away...?
Her face turned red this time as she scowled at me. "My favorite ice cream isn't banana split anymore."
I pretended to pout. "Shame. I was going to take you out for ice cream after work too."
"Dinner sounds more appealing," she grinned, sitting up a little more straighter. "I'm an adult now after all."
Don't I know it.
This time I let my eyes trail over her chest, the button down she was wearing seemed to fit her snuggly and I wanted nothing more than to rip it off and-
I snapped my eyes back to the computer screen and pulled up her job summary.
"So Ms. Montgomery, your job as my assistant will be to make sure all my scheduled meetings go by flawlessly, notarize important documents, and a handful of simple tasks like transferring information to excel," I smirked playfully, "and getting me coffee."
That earned me a giggle.
"Char, if you don't mind me asking, but what do you want to do with your life?" I asked, leaning back into my chair, spreading my legs a bit. "I know assisting old guys like me isn't exactly thrilling to you."
Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Oh hush Jay, you're only thirty-two. And I want to be a lawyer. Or at least get my J.D."
"Why don't you start now?" I picked up a pencil and started fiddling with it.
"I want to have fun for now," she shrugged. "Pretty confident my life will be over the second I get my first case work."
I chuckled at her silliness and glanced at the time. "Ready to get to work?"
she sighed, "I suppose. Where do I sign?"
The next hour was spent with me handing Charlotte all the paper work she was too fill out and bring back the next day and ones she could sign at the moment. We both agreed on a reasonable salary, one that was exceptionally higher than the norm for regular assistants but I didn't add that part. She was iffy when it came to sticking out and special treatment. Soon after I gave security and human resources a call to make sure they had Charlotte on file and that they'll set up her ID tomorrow morning, Charlotte was yawning and stretching her arms above her head.
"Well, that was fun," she mumbled.
I chuckled, standing up and stretching my legs. "It only gets better. Now we have to join the living and...interact with them."
"Oh the horror," Charlotte giggled, standing up as well and tugging her skirt down. I looked the other way.
"Would you like me to introduce you to some people?" I walked towards the door, opening it for her before she could respond. I needed to get out of this room. It was filled with girly perfume and...well, her.
"Sure," she shrugged.

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