Chapter Seven

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A/N: don't bother correcting my spelling. i don't care >.< and im not calling anyone out. just letting you guys know. please dont apologize. and sorry for the boring chapter! explanation at the bottom.


Habits by Tove Lo
Stolen Dance by Milky Chance

Chapter Seven

I slowly began to wake up, my eyes squinting from the light beaming through the windows but it disappeared, the room once again sheathed in darkness and sleep began to consume me again.


I felt soft lips kissing my forehead, my cheek, my closed eyelid and my sleeping brain picked up whispered words like "coffee" and "donuts." I fell back to sleep when I heard a soft click, like a door closing.


My dreams are full of tangled blonde hair and lips, everywhere. Of bumping against walls and lamps and dressers and soon, yes, the softness of a bed. Of yes's and moaning no no...a wait. A sultry voice telling me to go slow. Telling me that we should stop but I don't want to. But I do. And I help her off the bed and I watch her go to the bathroom and all I want to do is follow her and take her. But I don't.
Because that's not what she wants.
This time I wake up for real.
I groaned, rubbing my eyes hard enough till I enter another galaxy. Last night slowly began to resurface and dread washed over me once I realized I was alone in the hotel room. I sat up, my eyes scanning the room and I sighed in relief when I saw Charlotte's suitcases still laying hazardously on the floor. For a second I thought she'd ran away.
I swung my legs out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. By the time I'd brushed my teeth and splashed cold water on my face, I heard the door open.
"Jason? I have coffee and donuts," Charlotte sang as I walked out the bathroom, drying my face off with a hand towel.
"Smart girl," I chuckled, unsure of myself. I wanted to kiss her because she looked so beautiful and radiant in her sundress and wedged heels and her smile was glowing I wait till we talk? Because we have to talk, right? She was a Montgomery and Luis had connections everywhere so someone was bound to recognize her. If we were going to hide us we were going to have to be cautious-
"Jay, stop thinking so much," Charlotte giggled, suddenly in front of me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her lips to mine and I was in heaven again. I grabbed her hips and groaned, a shivering running up my spine at having her in my arms. Finally.
"You're a really good kisser," she hummed, pulling back an inch to smile at me.
I sighed. I wanted to enjoy the moment but the thought of the talk we would eventually have hung heavily over my head.
"Hey," Charlotte whispered, cupping my cheek. "What's wrong?"
"We have to talk-"
Charlotte placed a finger against my lips, hushing me. "Later. Let's just enjoy our time in Chicago."
I hesitated before nodding. She was right. I felt so wound up, just the thought of having to hide our relationship making my teeth grind. But if it was the only way we could be together, then so be it. I was confident Luis would have my ass sent to another country to keep me away from his daughter.
"Alright baby girl," I sighed, and she grinned triumphantly.
"I got your favorite donuts," she sang, tugging me to the bed and making me sit down by pressing on my shoulders.
"Jelly filled?" I perked up as she sauntered over to the table where the box of donuts sat.
"Mmhmm. Strawberry, right?" She glanced over her shoulder, a hint of heat in her gleaming eyes.
"Right," I confirmed, dropping my eyes to stare at her ass. Without doubt and quiet fears running through my head I could finally enjoy the sight in front of me.
"Eyes up here, mister," Charlotte giggled, turning and walking back towards me with a extra sway in her hips.
I grinned, unashamed at being caught for once. Just yesterday I was fighting myself and my attraction and now...
Now I was pulling her into my arms because she was walking far too slow for me.
"Forever impatient," she sighed but her shit-eating grin showed that she wasn't really annoyed.
"Feed me," I growled, dragging my hands down to the small of her back, hovering over her ass.
"Who said this donut was for you?" she cocked an eyebrow. "You're a very presumptuous man Mr. Hyland."
"Well I'm still your boss Ms. Montgomery," I chuckled darkly, "and I don't tolerate disobedience."
"Well you're in for a treat," she retorted with a smirk, "I've been spoiled all my life and don't take to kindly to being bossed around."
This time I palm her ass, grinning cheekily when she gasped and struggled to glare at me.
But sadly our playtime is cut short when we hear a knock at our door.
"Housekeeping!" A voice rang through the door and I groaned, dropping my head against Charlotte's chest.
"Coming!" Charlotte called back, stepping away from me, with my donut still in her hand. "How about we go out? Like sight seeing."
I shrugged. "Whatever you want."
She suddenly perked up and I had a feeling I was going to regret this decision.
A hour later I regretted my decision.
"This was a bad idea," Charlotte giggled and I shot her a glare.
We were currently on top of a double decker bus...stuck in the middle of traffic. It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for all the tourists being so...touristy.
"You aren't kidding," I muttered. Somehow Charlotte convinced me to go on the stupid bus even though ninety percent of the internet advised us not to. But she did that stupid eye thing with her lips all sad and pouty and I was ready to just but the damn bus.
"And now," the perky tourist guide chirped, "we are on our way to see the Willis tower. It's the highest building in Chicago and was formerly known as the Sear's Tower."
Que rapid camera clicking.
"I know another place we can go," Charlotte whispered, leaning towards me so I could hear her, her lips ghosting against my ear.
"As long as it gets me away from here," I muttered. She pulled back to grin at me and because I couldn't help it, I stole a kiss.

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