Chapter Five

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A/N: yayy for surprise updates c: (sorry for its shortness)
and on to a different help motivate myself to write I usually listen to music and sometimes they match the chapter and occasionally I just listen to em cuz I like em *shrug* but i decided to share what I listen to and these were the main two for this chappy:
Fire Meet Gasoline by Sia (for Char & Jay)
Empty Words by Christina Aguilera (for Rebecca & Jason)


Chapter Five

"Stop working."
I glanced up from the bright computer screen and scoffed.
"Last time I checked, I was the boss," I retorted.
Charlotte smirked, picking her head up from the airline pillow and sat up. "We've only been on here for ten minutes and you haven't even attempted to relax."
I trailed my eyes up her legs before snapping them back to the bright screen. She was wearing loose shorts with a tunic type shirt, perfect for airplane traveling while I simply forgone wearing a suit jacket and tie. Just some black slacks and a gray shirt.
"Time is money," I drawled, tapping away.
"But I'm bored," she whimpered and I snapped my eyes up to glare at her as the sound went straight to my cock. Not that she noticed. She was too busy inspecting her nails.
"Play a game on your phone."
"Watch TV."
"What do you want Charlotte?" I sighed, thankful for the privacy first class offered. I sat in one of the two swiveled chairs with a attached desk while Charlotte sat across from me in a seat that could easily fit three people. It was like we were in our own little cubby.
"You," she grinned.
"We have about less than two hours till we land, I'm sure you won't die of boredom," I ignored her, hating my heart for fluttering with hope.
"But what if I do?"
"You won't."
"But what if?" She whined, pushing for an answer.
"Then I'll save you," I sighed.
"Cool. How?"
"I'll...I dunno. What do you like to do for fun?"
"Read books, watch old movies-but not too old, like Pleasantville, Devil Wears Prada old-and shop for clothes and eat yummy treats," she mused. "And go to concerts and carnivals and-"
"Ok, I get it," I chuckled. "I'll carry you to a circus and have a clown give you CPR."
"What do you do for fun Jay?" she chirped, unfazed from my interruptions.
I shrugged and felt my mind go blink. "I like my job."
"What else?"
"And breathing."
Charlotte busted out laughing as I felt the tips of my ears warm up. She noticed and stopped laughing. "Are you being serious?"
"I'm a very busy man Ms. Montgomery," I snapped, quite harshly according to her widened eyes. I immediately felt remorseful, cursing my ill temper. I closed my laptop and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm sorry Char. I-it's just a sensitive subject."
"Is it because of Becky?" She asked softly.
"Partially," I pinched the bridge of my nose as I thought about the red head who I once held near and dear to my heart. Now she was just a bitter, greedy woman who I was once married to.
"What happened to you guys?" She was sitting on the edge of the seat now, her hands clutching the leather, her unwavering eyes trained on me.
I sighed, slouching my shoulders. "She...she changed. The money just went straight to her head and it came to the point where it was all she could think about. I was a walking, talking ATM to her."
"Oh Jay," Charlotte's bottom lip quivered. "That's so sad."
"I'm okay," I reassured her, clutching my arm rests, keeping myself from inviting her into my arms. The need to comfort her was automatic but I didn't trust myself to just comfort her.
"But still, to have to go through that alone..." She trailed off, lost in her thoughts.
"I promise I'm over Rebecca, I just want to move on," I sighed, threading my fingers together.
"But you aren't. Jay, the only thing you do is work," she argued. "Do you her?"
I immediately shook my head. That ship had sailed a long time ago. "I stopped loving her the second I realized our conversations only were about her spending habits and my bank account."
Char smiled. "Well that's a start. We just have to work on getting you a life."
I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, but I've been taking care of myself for the past three years."
"Too bad. You're stuck with me." And with that she pulled out her tablet and put a end to our interesting conversation.

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