Chapter Six

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A/N: for those who don't know, the reason I couldn't update was because I was in the hospital ;c but i just had to add a few things and fix a few words

Off to the Races - Lana Del Ray
Crown on the Ground - Sleigh Bells


Chapter Six

I walked out of the bathroom, frustrated, having gave up on trying to fix my bow tie. Every time I tried it always came out crooked or lopsided. I haven't had to wear a tuxedo in so long so I hadn't bothered to perfect my bow tying skills. Back then I had Rebecca to do all the work but now...
I froze when I saw Charlotte standing in front of the full-length mirror, fully dressed. Her back was facing me and she was too focused with putting her lipstick on to notice me so I let myself appreciate her body freely.
She was a vision, wearing a dark blue metallic gown with a big dip on the back that was hugging her sinful body to all the right places, complimenting her curvy figure. She was a goddess, a siren, and was about to have every man going to the conference eating out of the palm of her hands.
And because I was a man, my eyes lingered on her plump ass.
"Do you need help?"
I snapped out of my trance, looking up to see Charlotte staring at me, curiousity clear in her eyes.
"Uh, what?"
Charlotte cocked an eyebrow, turning around to face me, her dress flaring around her legs as she walked towards me. Her heels made her a bit taller but she still had to look up to peer in my eyes.
"Your bow tie? Do you need help with it?"
I glanced at the piece of fabric that still hung limp around my neck. I swallowed thickly and nodded my head, suddenly feeling mute. My throat tightened even more at having her hands so close to me.
"Are you okay? You look a bit ashen," she frowned in concern.
"Er, yeah, just a bit hungry," I lied, wishing she would hurry.
"You ate a whole steak for lunch, is your stomach a black hole?" She scoffed, patting the bow when she was through.
"I'm a growing boy," I tried to tease her, still feeling at ease, like something big was about to happen. Maybe it was nerves about having to give a speech...
"Do you feel confident about your speech?" She asked, grabbing her clutch from the night stand.
I patted my breast pocket where my stack of notecards rested. "Yes, with you and I, I believe we made the speech of the century."
"Why not millennium?"
"That too," I chuckled, opening the door for her. I clenched my teeth when her sweet perfume made its way to my senses as she breezed past me.
This was going to be a long night.
I followed after her when I made sure I had our room key.


"Wow, there's a lot of people here," Charlotte breathed as we stepped into the ballroom. Her eyes were wide as she assessed the room and her grasp on my looped arm tightened.
"Don't worry, we only have to be here until I give my speech," I assured her, continuing into the room.
"I'm fine," she shook her head, finally looking at me to give me a small smile.
"Only if you're sure," I hummed.
"Hyland!" I followed the voice to see Randall Hendrickson making his way towards me. He went by Randy and loved to use his good looks to lure women to his bed. Beautiful women with pretty giggles and on the same social ladder as him.
Women like Charlotte.
The thought of him even flirting with my girl had my hackles rising and my vision turning red.
I was tempted to walk the other way, dragging Charlotte with me, but I stopped myself. I thought fast, ducking my head down and ghosting my lips close to her ear. "Play along," I hissed.
Her eyes widened even more but she nodded her head, confusion clear in her eyes. I moved my arm to wrap it around her waist and pressed her against my side.
"Jason, I thought that was you," Randy chortled, clapping me on my shoulder. "You've been hiding for the past three years, I figured you bought a island and sworn off humanity."
"Funny," I forced a chuckle.
"Who's this?" Randy asked, his grin widening as he appraised Charlotte. Before she could even open her mouth, I spoke.
"My date, Lottie," I answered him, squeezing Charlotte's waist when her head snapped up to look at me in disbelief.
Randy continued to check her out, not noticing our exchange.
"'Bout time you started getting some action." Randy wiggled his eyebrows at me and turned back to Charlotte. "Just give him some time, beautiful, I know he's a bit rusty around the corners."
I bit my tongue to keep myself from growling, opting to just glare at him. The nerve on this man...
"Oh, what are you talking about?" Charlotte asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Jay's so insatiable, he keeps me up all night long. Isn't that right, baby?" She purred the last word, shocking the hell out of Randy and I.
"Uh, right," I rushed out, willing myself not to blush. I tried to come off as cool and aloof but I had a feeling I wasn't fooling anyone.
"He's so amazing when we're alone," Charlotte gushed, winding her arms around my midsection and pressing her body against my side. "Sometimes we go days without leaving our bedroom."
"That's enough, uh, babe," I said awkwardly. Her words were starting to encourage the enemy downstairs. "Was there anything else you needed Randy? I'm looking for Penelope."
"Um, no, go ahead," Randy said eagerly, "nice seeing you old pal."
Yeah right. He'd probably been looking forward to degrading me, he just hadn't counted on Charlotte putting him in his place.
"Thank you," I sighed as we walked away, pulling my arm back reluctantly when she stepped away from me.
"What was that all about? He sounded like a class-A douchebag," she muttered.
"Old college roommate," I explained, "he use to work for your dad but moved to Washington D.C... He's dad was a senator or something."
"That's why you called me Lottie," she murmured quietly, almost to herself.
"Yeah," I smiled, "your dad's your number one fan. Everything little thing you accomplished, the folks of Monte knew about it."
"Right you are, I think he spent a solid week just trying to explain a violin recital," a familiar deep, husky voice spoke behind us. Charlotte and I stopped at the same time but it was Charlotte who looked back first.
"Penny!" She squealed, spinning around and engulfing the much shorter woman in her arms.
"Charlie," Penelope cooed, wistfulness clear in her voice as she rubbed her goddaughter's back.
Penelope's known Charlotte since she was born and I could tell that the two missed each other very much. Every weekend, when the Montgomery family still lived in New York, Charlotte use to beg to go to Penelope's house to swim in her and her husband's large pool and attempt to play chess with Mr. Richardson. They even had a dog that Charlotte adored. Penelope was a tough nut to crack, but Charlotte had a special place in P's heart. She made it obvious too because Char was the only person allowed to call Penelope by the nickname Penny.
"It's been too long sweet girl, you look so grown up and beautiful. I bet you have men lining up just to talk to you."
My soft smile fell as I glared at P's back.
"Nice to see you too Penelope," I muttered, scanning the room for a waiter with champagne.
P let go of Charlotte but kept their arms linked together as she spun around to face me. "I see your grumpy butt every three months-" Penelope stopped talking all of a sudden and looked at Charlotte. "I keep forgetting you aren't nine anymore. Correction; I see your grumpy ass every three months, there's only so much abuse an elderly woman can take."
Charlotte threw her head back and laughed. "Oh P, I've missed you so much."
"Good. 'Cuz we have some catching up to do. Grumpy, you don't mind me stealing your date?" Penelope cocked an eyebrow, her words temporarily stunning me. My eyes snapped over to Charlotte to see her eyes wide and cheeks burning red.
"Uh, yeah," I said slowly.
Penelope simply smirked and jetted off in the opposite direction, dragging poor Charlotte with her.
Alcohol...I need alcohol.
I scanned the crowd one more time before deciding to just go to the bar and get it myself. As I was nearing to my safe haven I saw a familiar face. I grinned.
"Well look what the cat dragged in," I laughed, reaching out to grab his hand.
Oscar Collins snickered, squeezing my hand before letting it go. "Stop being so dramatic. My new gallery's taking up most of my time."
Collins was a artist that showcased struggling aspiring artist's pieces in his galleries. I believe he had three already.
"I bet Justine just loves that." I leaned against the counter of the bar to get the bartender's attention. I caught his eyes and ordered my drink.
"I don't, but I understand," Justine drawled, suddenly standing beside Oscar. "Hello Jason."
I smirked at the strawberry blonde who was Oscar's opposite. "Pleasure to be in your presence, like always, Justine. You look beautiful."
"Thank you," she grinned slyly, "so is that little blonde you had in your arms early."
I felt my ears turn pink. Was I really that obvious?
"Yeah, who is that? I could practically feel the sexual tension," Oscar snorted.
I frowned. Yeah I was frustrated but surely I wasn't making it that obvious.
"She's Charlotte Montgomery," I growled. Oscar busted out laughing while Justine tried to hide her amusement.
"Luis Montgomery's daughter? When the hell did she grow up?" Oscar choked out. "And why the hell do you have the girl you use to babysit in your arms?"
"Jailbait," Justine sang with a smirk.
"I'm trying to figure that out myself," I hissed, running my fingers through my hair. "I lied and told Randall she was my date."
"Jealous much?" Oscar snorted, slipping his arm around Justine's waist. "You got it bad."
"How did you two get reacquainted?" Justine asked.
They were seriously going to get a kck out of this. "She's my new assistant."
I had two more drinks before their laughter finally calmed down a bit.
"Not only is she your best friend's daughter," Justine giggled, "but she's your assistant too? How cliche of you Jay."
"I'm sorry for laughing buddy," Oscar apologized, pursing his lips together to keep from smiling. "But I've never seen you so flustered before. Does she know?"
"God no," I blurted out, dread washing over me at the mere thought.
"Then what are you going to do?" Justine frowned.
"Nothing. Her father would kill me if I took advantage of his little girl," I scoffed.
"Well, it depends. Do you want a relationship with her or just a quick roll in the hay?"
I opened my mouth but paused. Charlotte was more than a fuck, she deserved nothing but the best and I could easily see myself giving it to her. But it was too much of a risk, especially since I had no clue about her feelings for me. I valued our friendship more and I'll hate myself if I pushed her away.
"I don't know," I sighed.
Oscar clapped me on my shoulder with sympathy. He looked over my shoulder and said, "well you better figure it out soon before someone else gets her attention." I followed his line of vision and clenched my hands at the scene now in front of me. The party was in full swing now, people huddled in groups, laughing and socializing while others were taking advantage of the dance floor and live band.
Like Charlotte and a man I didn't recognize. They were both swaying to the music, her hands on his shoulder and his hands that I wanted to break on her waist.
"Before you go over there and do something you regret, keep in mind that you're basically the guest of honor. I don't think making a scene will do your reputation any good," Oscar warned me.
Fuck my reputation. I just want his hands off her.
"I just want to dance," I shrugged nonchalantly, throwing back the last bit of scotch I had.
"Yeah, and pigs fly," Oscar snorted as I made my way towards the couple. Charlotte was just laughing at something assface had said when I tapped on his shoulder. We were about the same height though his black fohawk gave him a extra inch.
Two pairs of eyes averted towards me, but only one looking excited to see me.
"Hey Jay! I was just telling Noel about you," Charlotte giggled, her eyes bright and alive. Not noticing the silent exchange Noel and I were having.
I faked a laugh as I kept my eyes on him. "Mind if I cut in?"
He narrowed his eyes and nodded stiffly. "Of course." He shifted his eyes back to Charlotte. "It was a pleasure dancing with you Ms. Montgomery."
Charlotte's grinned at him. "Same." She dropped her hands from his shoulders but before she could leave his side he grabbed a hand and kissed the back of it. It was just a peck but it still had the same affect.
My lips should be the only one touching her, I growled in my mind as I watched Charlotte blush from another man's attention.
"Bye Noel," Charlotte giggled before turning to face me. Her easy smile fell when she met my eyes, probably noticing the anger practically radiating off me, but I quickly schooled my expression and smiled gently at her.
"May I?" I asked, offering her my hand. Her smile was back as she took my hand and placed the other on my shoulder while I gripped her waist in return.
"I feel like I haven't seen you all night," Charlotte mumbled, her voice slightly hushed.
"Blame Penelope," I hesitated, needing somehow, someway to stake my claim on her. "She stole my girl."
Charlotte could've gone on a rant about how she was her own person or how she wasn't a girl anymore or just about anything really. But she simply smiled and kissed me on my cheek.
"Remember when I use to call you my Jay?" she giggled softly, her eyes wide and...wistful? But for what?
"You completely owned me when I first met you," I chuckled.
"I think mom still has pictures from our tea parties," Charlotte snorted. "You were my best friend." Her smile waned a little. "My Jay."
I opened my mouth but closed it, her sudden sadness confusing me. I hesitated before saying, "ya know, I may be older and I'm sure I probably won't be able to squeeze into one of those plastic chairs like I use to when I was eighteen but I'll always be your Jay Charlotte."
You were the first girl to ever capture my heart after all.
Just never thought my feelings would go this far.
Charlotte's mouth fell open and I began to panic, thinking I said too much, but then her eyes widened and she beamed at me with so much adoration and her smile was so wide and all I wanted to do was kiss the hell out of this girl, my girl, and take her back to our hotel room, away from prying eyes but I couldn't.
Because then she'll probably run away. Why would such a sweet, stunning girl want a man eleven years her senior?
"You always know what to say," she sighed, placing her head on my shoulder. I smiled as I smelt her shampoo from her hair.
"You make it effortless."
And we danced quietly for a few minutes as a new song came on. I was staring ahead blankly when I caught the new thorn in my side, known as Noel, staring at us.
"Who was that boy?" I couldn't help but ask. "The one you were dancing with," I clarified. Charlotte picked her head up.
"Noel Harris, he wants to build his own company," Charlotte wrinkled her nose. "I think he thinks I'm interested in him."
I worked hard to get myself from grinning victoriously. "Really? Why do you say that?"
"Just a thought," she shrugged her shoulders, accidentally stepping on my foot when I began to move us.
"Just follow my lead," I listened carefully to the band, finding a rhythm easily. "Why aren't you interested in him?"
Her cheeks turned pink as she shifted her eyes away from me. "I don't know," she whispered.
My heart picked up speed, my hopes getting the best of me.
"Surely you do, you know you can trust me sweetheart," I pushed, borderline begging.
"It's nothing Jason," she sighed, still refusing to meet my eyes.
I placed her other hand on my shoulder to cup her chin and lifted her face up. I smirked, deciding to use the old charm I kept locked up. "Charlotte," I crooned softly, "tell me."
She gasped, and something flashed in her eyes and in that second I knew she felt the same way for me. Pent up lust fogged up my mind, throwing away all the logic and resistance I've been holding in for a solid month, as I slid my eyes down to her parted lips, nearly salivating at finally having them pressed against mine. They were so pink and looked so soft and-
Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I felt a growl rumble through my chest as I snapped out of my haze.
"Excuse me Mr. Hyland but it's time for you to give your speech," a man behind me said after clearing his throat.
"Right," I grunted, straightening my back but keeping my eyes locked on Charlotte's lips. "I'll be there in a minute."
"J-Jay?" Charlotte stammered, her voice breathless.
"We're leaving as soon as I step off that stage," I growled, grabbing her face between my hands and planting my lips on her forehead. She inhaled sharply and I couldn't believe my luck.
I had her right where I wanted her.

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