Chapter Eleven

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A/N: usually i write the chapter on my computer doc but this time i decided to just start it on wattpad but it winded up deleting what i had and it was just about 500 words but it still annoyed me to have rewrite it -.- so that took a couple of days to get over cx and then i wrote another whole story, got sick and had school so ive been busy c,:


Chapter Eleven

"You're late Ms. Montgomery," I mocked her as she walked into my office with her laptop in one hand and a cup holder, with two coffees in it, in the other. She rolled her eyes, placing the items on my desk and sitting down in the chair that's usually reserved for clients.

"Well my clingy boyfriend refuses to let me leave his sight so I had to rush back home to change for work," Charlotte snarked, placing her laptop on her lap and powering it up.

"It'll make your whole life easier if you just moved in with him," I retorted, leaning back in my chair and watching her.

She snorted, "I'm sure it would. It'll also make it easier for my father to haunt you down if, God forbid, he finds out about us."

I twisted my lips to the side. "Touché."

"What's on the agenda today boss?" She asked sarcastically, her fingers tapping across her keyboard and I pulled up all the emails requesting for a meeting. I started listing off names and times before I froze at one.

To: Jason Hyland

From: Luis Montgomery

Hey pal,

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm in New York for a few errands and to give my management a surprise visit so don't go ratting me out. I'm coming down this evening so be prepared, and tell my daughter to answer her phone. I haven't talked to her in a while and I miss my princess.

See you in a bit,


"Jay? Was that it?" Charlotte asked, breaking my stupor.

"Your dad's here," I blurted out, standing up from my chair and started to pace. Charlotte's face drained of color and I realized my mistake. "In New York I mean, not in the building."

"What?" She gasped, pulling out her phone, "I haven't checked my phone since yesterday."

"How ironic," I muttered, lost in thought. "Today marks our one month anniversary."

"Since our first date?" Charlotte frowned and I grinned cheekily.

"Since our first kiss."

She rolled her eyes and pressed the phone to her ear.

"Hi Daddy," she chirped, twirling a strand of hair around her finger and tugging it softly. "Yes, I'm good. Jay just told me you were coming down here. I know what you're doing."

She paused and scowled at a spot on my desk.

"I'm twenty-one."

Pause. Eye roll this time.

"Fine. I'll talk to you later...I love you too...I promise to call more...okay...okay...bye Daddy."

And she hangs.

"We're having a early dinner when he's done doing business here," she groaned, tossing her phone on my desk.

"I'm going to die today," I murmured to myself, staring out of space.

"Stop being so dramatic," Charlotte giggled, standing and going around my desk to wrap her arms around my waist from behind and rest her cheek against my back.

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