Chapter Four

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A/N: thanks for all the awesome comments c: and monday's will be the days I update cuz that's the day I usually update xD


Chapter Four

My tires screeched as I parked my car hastily in the packed parking lot, cursing when I saw how long the line was. With quick thinking I grabbed my wallet and pulled a few hundreds out. A little bribery went a long way, right?
I pulled my phone out and dialed Charlotte's number, growling when it went to voice mail again. I had dropped it and accidentally hung up when I tried to catch it from dropping and now she wasn't answering the phone. I spent the whole drive coming up with different case scenarios.
Like some fucking guy taking advantage of her drunken state. Luring her to his place.
Jumping out of my car, I jogged to the front of the line, straight to the bouncer. I waved the bills, placing them in the palm of his hands before slipping in, immediately engulfed in the dark, loud club. The music was pounding, nearly making the building throb with the noise and the only light that was offered was different colored lasers that zipped around the room, making it even harder to see. I shoved my way through people to get to the bar, before making my way to the bathrooms when I didn't see her sitting in none of the stools.
"Hey," I called to a red head making her way out the bathroom. Her eyes lit up and she flipped her hair.
"Hey yourself handsome," she grinned. "I'm Amber."
"Sorry, but I need to know if you saw a blonde in there? With green eyes?" I asked.
She huffed, clearly disgruntled I wasn't coming on to her. "Yeah. I saw her run into one of the stalls."
I sighed in relief, glad my search was over. Consequences be damned, I walked right into the girls bathroom and found Charlotte leaning over a sink, inspecting her teeth. She was swaying slightly and her eyes were drooped so heavily they looked closed.
"Hey! You aren't suppose to be in here," a girl hissed, finally taking the time to stop eye fucking herself in the mirror to notice her surroundings.
"Sorry, I'm here to pick up a friend," I rushed out, striding towards Charlotte.
"Jay! You came," she gushed, her speech slightly slurred as she pushed against the sink and practically fell in my arms. "I'm so, so, so happy you're here."
"Let's get you out of here," I grumbled, straightening her out so that she could at least walk with me carrying majority of her weight.
"But you just got here!" She protested as we stepped out the bathroom. "Lets dance."
I rolled my eyes. "Charlotte, it's two in the morning."
"So? It's not like we have work in the morning," she pouted. "Please Jay? Pretty, pretty please?"
I hesitated before holding firm. "No Charlotte, I'm bringing you home."
She huffed before falling silent.
Soon I had her buckled in and by the time I was pulling out the parking lot Charlotte had fallen asleep.
I cursed under my breath. I had no idea where she lived. I debated waking her up but decided against it. She looked exhausted and I didn't want to startle her so against better judgement I decided to just bring her to my penthouse. I had two guest rooms so space shouldn't be a problem, right?


"Too bright," she whined as I carried her bridal style up the stairs. I'd left all my lights on during my haste to go get Charlotte.
"Shouldn't have drunk so much," I muttered, glancing at the two guest rooms before turning to my own bedroom. I told myself mine was the best choice because it had blinds that blocked any light from the outside. That way the sun won't blind her when she wakes up with a hungover.
Really truly I just wanted her in my bed. Under my sheets. Her hair sprawled against my pillows.
"You're so pretty," she murmured through a yawn as I pushed my door open with my back. I frowned.
"Thanks, I think."
Handsome would've been more fitter but she was drunk. I'll let it pass this one time.
"Can I brush my teeth? My mouth tastes like everything wrong in the world," she pouted.
"Of course. Let me put you down."
After hunting down a unused toothbrush, I watched from the door as Charlotte attempted to sing while brushing her teeth.
"Stahp stawing," she mumbled around a mouthful of foam.
"Stop talking with your mouth full," I retorted. She rinsed her mouth out before sticking her tongue out.
"You're not my dad," she huffed, brushing past me.
"Thank god for that," I rolled my eyes, turning around to find her digging through my dresser. "What are you doing?"
"Lookin' for something to wear to bed." She pulled out a plain white shirt and shut the drawer close with her hip. She walked back towards me and turned around, gathering her hair in one hand.
"Can you unzip this for me?"
I finally took notice of the dress she was wearing. It was electric blue and sleeveless and short and tight and everything I wish it wasn't. I couldn't help but ogle her ass, my hands itching to just...grab.
I cleared my throat, grasping the zipper with shaky hands before pulling it down, my knuckles brushing against her skin as I revealed more and more. It was like opening a present as a kid, holding my breath as I waited for the unknown-
"Thanks Jay," she yawned, scurrying back to the bathroom while holding her dress up. The door closing shut snapped me out of my trance. I was just about to leave the room when the door opened once again.
"Where are you going?" She asked innocently. I turned around to see her crawling under my covers before curling up into the middle.
She looked so small.
"Guest room," I answered. She frowned.
"Why? There's plenty of space," she patted the spot next to her.
"That's inappropriate Charlotte," I sighed, feeling myself wavering.
"But it'll be like a sleepover," she sang. "Come oooon Jason, I don't wanna sleep alone."
Me neither.
"Let me change," I sighed, grabbing some pajama pants and a plain shirt. I usually only slept in my boxers but I needed as much fabric between us as possible.
"Yay," she giggled, snuggling deeper into the bed, her eyes slightly glazed over as they followed me to the bathroom.
I let out a deep breath when I closed the door behind me.
I am Jason Alexander Hyland got dammit. CEO to my very own company. I shouldn't be this flustered over a girl...Only she wasn't a girl. She was a woman who was slowly making me lose control.
I grunted, changing my clothes.
Luis was right. He should've grounded her for not staying five.
I opened the door to find Charlotte's eyes closed but they fluttered open when the door opened. She smiled sleepily and patted the spot next to her. I had a California king bed so even with her laying in the middle of the bed I still had plenty of space.
I opted for laying on the edge.
Charlotte giggled, sitting up on her side and resting on one of her elbows, her hand pressed against her ear. "Stop being so ridiculously Jay, you can come closer. I don't bite." She paused and smirked deviously, biting the air playfully. "Hard."
And I spontaneously combusted. Or maybe my brain did.
Either way I was dead.
"I'm fine here," I breathed.
"Jason, either you scoot over here or I'm coming to you."
I stopped listening after "I'm coming".
I sighed, moving a inch closer to her.
"More," she sang, watching me.
Another inch.
I huffed and moved till there was at least a foot between us.
Of course Charlotte, not knowing the definition of boundaries, filled that space, placing her head on my shoulder.
"I'm so happy you came to get me," she murmured as I lay stiffly next to her. "Ashton left me for some pretty boy."
"Maybe you shouldn't go out then," I muttered.
"But that's no fun," she grumbled. "And how else am I suppose to make friends? I can't just have you as a friend."
"Ouch. Am I not good enough?" I drawled dryly.
"'Course you're enough. You're the bestest. But we only see each other during work."
"Work isn't fun."
"Don't like your boss?" I teased her, starting to relax.
"Nope. He's always tense and looks like he's about to explode every time I look at him."
"No I don't," I argued weakly. Yes I do.
"Yes you do," Charlotte echoed my thoughts, "you look like you could use a million hugs and kisses."
"How about just a cheeseburger? It's probably that rabbit food you keep trying to feed me that has me all tense," I attempted to change the subject.
"You are not clogging up your arteries on my watch mister," she tried to sound serious but ended up giggling. "But you wanna know somethin'?"
"What?" I asked, sticking my legs out from under the sheets, reminding myself why I never wore clothes to bed. It was starting to get hot.
"When I was eight I had the biggest crush on you," she giggled.
My heart warmed up like it always did when I thought of younger Charlotte. "Oh really now?"
"Yep," Charlotte giggled. "I use to pretend you were my prince and I was the princess and we would ride on dragons and stay up past midnight."
"Woah, past midnight? Slow down you rebel," I chuckled.
"Oh hush. I was eight," she yawned.
I glanced at the clock to see that it was past three.
"Go to sleep Charlotte."
"Kk," she mumbled, pulling away from me to kiss my check, her lips dangerously close to mine. I fought to stay still. To not move my face just a tiny bit and take the kiss I wanted. "Goodnight Jay."
"Goodnight Lottie," I sighed as she settled back on my shoulder, her soft snores soon filling the room.
I hesitated before wrapping a arm around her.

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