Chapter 11: Finally Found You

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Jungkook POV

I walk inside the house when I see people running around the place in search of something. I ignore it and walk up the staircase in a rush to the bedroom where the love of my life is.

I've missed her so much even though it's only been a few hours since I've seen her but I'm hungry for a kiss. I can already savor her tender lips pressed on mine.

I open the doors and scan the room in search of her. I don't see her so I assume she's in the bathroom.

"Y/n I'm here" I shout to let her know of my presence but I don't get a response from her. I walk into the bathroom and she's not there.

"Y/N!" I yell out and she better come at once if not I'll make sure she learns her lesson.

"Y/n!! COME HERE!" I shout knocking down things that break once making contact with the wall. I slam the door of the room angrily.

"B-boss" one of my security guards stutters.

" where is she?" I ask and he can clearly see the anger across my face.

" w-we don't know boss" he trembles in fear


"Y-y-yes boss" the guy scrams

Where the fuck are you y/n?!

Don't think this will go unpunished. Who ever helped you is going to die painfully from the hands of me. I'll make sure of it.

I grab my gun and make sure it's loaded. I go down to the basement where I have my surveillance set up. If she escaped I'm sure the camera caught it.

I rush down there knocking things down as I go, leaving shattered glass all over the floors.

I walk in and go through the footage and I find out how she escaped. When I find her and I will find her, she will never see anything other then our bedroom. I'll teach her a lesson she'll never forget.

The camera last caught her jumping the gate. She left on foot so I'm sure I'll find her soon enough it's only been two hours since she left. I punch the wall furiously to let out steam but it doesn't help.

I leave the room and go outside to where a few men are. I walk up to him and punch him across the face right on his jaw.

" BETTER FIND HER SOON OR ILL PUT A BULLET IN YOU NEXT TIME" I threaten and they run looking for y/n.

Where the fuck can she be right now? It's already dark and there's no way she made it so far. She doesn't know this area at all and the camera has her running west of the entrance.

" men deploy your weapons and get ready to leave" I order and get in my car. The men get into their vehicles and follow behind me.

I step on the gas and over the phone I order them to check every house, I don't care if they have to use force as long as it gets done. I swear y/n that I will find you and who ever helped you will also be punished.

Your POV

Your sleeping soundly when you here the door to the room your staying in creak. You shoot your eyes wide open seeing what is happening.

Mark or you assume it's him cause it's some what dark. He closes the door and you see him locking it.

A million things run through your mind all at once. Your heart starts to race and your scared to what's to come.

He removes his shirt and tosses it on the ground. He quietly takes of his shoes and sets them down gently trying not to wake you up.

He slowly creeps over to the bed and you have the advantage that he thinks your sound asleep but your just waiting for an opportunity to strike.

The bed shifts as he places his knee and arm on the bed. You close your eyes shut and he moves a strand of your hair from your face. His hand caress your left cheek and you so badly want to punch him but restrain from doing so.

You feel him getting closer and you can practically hear him breathing. You use this as your opportunity.

You hit his throat with all your force causing him to fall back. You then get out of the bed and run to the bedroom door. You managed to unlock it but he grabs you and throws you back to the bed.

" I'm going to enjoy this" he smirks and he has no idea what's coming his way. Being Jungkook's girlfriend even if it was by force has taught you a few things. There was a time when Jungkook felt it was necessary to learn basic combat skills if You ever needed to defend yourself. Never thought you'd actually use them but thank god you did.

He grabs both of your hands and pins them above your head once he leans his head close enough you use this opportunity to kick him where the sun doesn't shine followed by kneeing him hard on his face.

He falls off the bed painfully groaning. You bolt out the bedroom and run down the stairs towards the front door.

Before you can even attempt to open the door two large hands grab your shoulders and throw you down to the ground hard. You see Mark standing there furious.

You stumble to stand back up and Mark grabs you once more and pushes you hard against the wall hitting your head.

" your not going to trick me this time
bitch"  he says with an evil grin

" why are you doing this?" You cry

" because I've been wanting to do this for a long time since I saw you on campus" he says and places his hand on your thigh. You feel disgusted by his touch that tears start falling.

He roughly kisses your neck and you shout for help in hopes of someone hearing you.

" shut up you stupid bitch" he slaps you hard across your face making you look the other way and fall down to the ground. Your cheek stings as your wishing Jungkook was here to save you.

"Jungkook! Why haven't you found me yet?!" You think

Mark approaches you once more and you back away with what little strength you have. He yanks you up by your hair and your face to face with him. He pins your hands forcefully and he's to strong for you to free yourself.

" I'm going to enjoy this" he smirks evilly

"NO STOP! JUNGKOOK!!!!" You scream for Jungkook at the top of your lungs as Mark's hands slide under your shirt.

*gun shot*

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