Chapter 23: Forgive

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~Your POV ~

A month has passed and it's been some what rough.

Turns out Jungkook had a few glasses of alcohol and he wasn't himself or is what you want to believe.

After the outburst from Jungkook, he decided to distance himself from you. He feared that in a rash heated moment he'd hurt you and the baby.

You miss him to say the least.

He stays in his office all day. He leaves before you wake up and returns when your asleep.

Your pregnant so you can't be chasing him around. You get tired easily and your emotions are everywhere. 

Yoongi has been taking good care of you making sure the baby is fine. Taehyung keeps you company most the time which makes it bearable to smile each passing day.

*knock knock*

" come in" you yell

" good morning y/n" Taehyung says with his adorable box like smile.

" morning Taetae" you chirp

" you hungry?" He asks and takes a seat on the couch chair that's in the bedroom.

" yeah" you respond and stand up from the bed having the covers fall and your belly showing.

" wow already six months along" Taehyung says still thinking it's all a dream.

You place your hand on your stomach. "Yeah, I still find it hard to believe myself" you smile

" well come on you both must be starving" Taehyung says and the both of you go to the dining room where Jin already has the food set.

" good morning" you say to all of them

" morning y/n" Jimin says cheekily

" good morning" Namjoon says

" morning" Jin says

" good morning y/n" Hoseok chirps

" how's the baby?" Yoongi asks

"  fine" you smile

You take a seat and take a whiff of the platter of food that is set out.

" looks delicious Jin" you say and start to dig in on the breakfast.

" where's Jungkook?" You ask but you already know the answer but just to confirm you ask once in awhile.

" drowning in work" Jimin says and Namjoon immediately sends him a death glare.

You plan on speaking to him when he comes home. Doesn't matter if you have to sleep on the couch. This has gone on long enough acting like a child.

You take a sip of your glass of milk when the baby starts to kick.

"Ooo" you let out and set down the glass of milk.

" what's wrong?" Taehyung asks worried

" I think the baby just kicked" you smile

"Ooo" you let out again

" I'm happy for you y/n" they all say

" do you want to feel?" You ask over joyed

Taehyung is the first to place his hand on your stomach.

" wow" Taehyung smiles.

" Y/n don't you want to find out the gender?" Hoseok asks

Although you and Jungkook never discussed whether you'd both want it to be a surprise or not , you are anxious to find out.

" it's crossed my mind but it's a decision I have to make with Jungkook" you say and they agree with you

" I don't care but I will be waiting in the living room till he comes home" you say sternly

" y/n I don't think that's the best idea" Jin says worried

" he can't keep avoiding me" you say

" if you want I'll talk to Jungkook and reason with him" Namjoon proposes

" fine but if he doesn't speak to me today I will be waiting for him" you say and stand up from your seat.

You walk back into your room and sit on the edge of the bed.

What if it's a girl? She'll definitely be spoiled by her father. She will be daddy's little princess. If any boy even glanced at her Jungkook would surely threaten the kid for trying to take his precious princess away.

You laugh to yourself.

If it's a boy, he will no doubt capture all the ladies hearts with his good looks that'll he'll get from Jungkook. A boy who would hopefully inherit your personality and not Jungkook's ill temper.

Only three more months and the baby will be born. You can't wait.

*knock knock*

" come in" you shout and the door opens. You look up and see Jungkook standing there with his hands in his pants pockets.

" I'm told the baby started to kick" he speaks up breaking the awkward tension.

" yeah earlier today" you say

" Do you want to find out the gender of the baby?" You ask

" what do you want?" He asks you

" well, we need to start buying clothes and other necessities so knowing the gender would help a lot" you say honestly

" okay" is all he says and  turns around to leave.

" that's it?" You ask annoyed

" isn't that the only reason why you needed to talk to me?" He says and it's pissing you of

" no it's not, why have you been avoiding me for so long? This baby needs a father, you can't be drowning in your stupid work while I raise our child" You spat

" y/n I'm sorry I just don't want to hurt you and-"

" stop coming up with excuses, yes you almost hurt me but you didn't because you love me and our baby. You can't leave me when you feel your an endangerment because guess what you need to take responsibility and start acting like a grown ass adult" you cut him off


" no Jungkook we need you" you say sternly a few tears falling down.

Jungkook closes the door and walks towards you. He wipes the tears away with his thumbs and caresses your cheek.

He looks down to your lips then back at your eyes. "Y/n" he whispers against your lips before kissing you. 

His soft lips brush yours over and over again until the both of you can't breath.

" I'm sorry" he says with your foreheads pressed against each others.

" I forgive you"


Sorry for the short chapter💜

Boy or girl???

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