Chapter 15: Kidnapping

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" would you like to go on a date with me?" He asks nervously while fiddling with his fingers. After introducing himself and chatting about the weather of all things he asks you out. You find it adorable and honestly you've noticed him always coming to the café where you hangout in the mornings occasionally. The cafe isn't a popular spot for young adults so you noticed him and he's been coming for about a month or so. He finally had the courage to ask you out and you agree to the date.

" I'd love to" you smile warmly at him making him grin

" I'll meet you here at the cafe at 7pm" he says beamingly

" okay see you then"


You flutter your eyes open and realize your in bed.

" why am I suddenly remembering this?" You ask to no one in particular. You notice Jungkook isn't in bed and probably at work. He finally returned to work since he had decided to personally keep an eye on you for like weeks now.

You get out of the bed and get the bath ready. You've been feeling a bit of morning sickness and a relaxing bath should do the trick.

Once the water and bubbles are to your liking you step in. You close your eyes and relax in the bath which is more like a mini pool.


Your standing in front of the café a little before 7pm. Your dressed in (image below)

" I didn't think you'd show" you turn around and see Jungkook standing there dressed in casual but formal attire similar to yours

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" I didn't think you'd show" you turn around and see Jungkook standing there dressed in casual but formal attire similar to yours.

" I'm not that type of person"  you respond

" good to know, let's get going" he says and leads you to his car. Being a gentleman he opens the car door for you and closes it once your in. He gets in and drives to the location. The whole drive to the restaurant is filled with conversation in getting to know each other. However your completely unaware that Jungkook already knew quite literally everything about you.

We arrive at the restaurant and we're taken to our table. You've never been here before and it's very formal with chandeliers hung and decor.

" your different form what I imagined" you say facing him.

"Once you get to know me I'm like a whole other person" he smiles unaware of what he actually meant by that line.

It's the end of the date and he's walking you down to your apartment with your hands intertwine.

" I had a great time tonight" you smile

Letting go of your hands, he gently ran his fingers through your hair, then rested his hand on the side of your face. Your whole body tensed as you tried to understand what's happening. Your heart is going wild in your chest, and you only hoped he couldn't notice the way your breath hitched as he stepped closer. Oh, god, we're so close, just inches away.

My Psycho Ex Boyfriend JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now