12. DG- Shy Away

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Sorry it took so long! I was a bit preoccupied in my other books I forgot to write for this one! Gomen, Gomen. :(


I was probably one of South Korea's most popular idols, my popularity even rivaling DG's.

But the problem was that I was too shy.

People said I was just humble, but that wasn't it at all!

I seriously wanted to interact with others, but just found myself a blushing, stuttering mess. Ugh, it was so annoying not being able to talk without having a mental breakdown.

I wanted out of this.


I was walking down the building hallway, when I saw Lasol.

"Lasol! Thank god you're here!" I squeaked. She chuckled and pried me off her.

"Seriously, you have to learn not to let your frights get the best of you, girl!"

"B-But still! I have a meeting in five minutes, and I'm worried I'll mess up or something!" I whined, clinging onto her. She rolled her eyes and let out a breath.

"Just try not to run out of the room like you did last time, okay?" she reassured, patting my shoulder, "Go knock 'em dead." I smiled and hugged her.

"Thanks, Lasol."

I said my goodbyes to her and walked towards the meeting room. I opened the door and bowed politely.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yoong," I said softly, shaking his hand. He smiled warmly at me, and gestured for me to sit down.

"There's no need to feel tense," said the elderly man, "We're just hiring you for the time being." I nodded and rested my hands in my lap.

"Why do you want me to do this? I mean, being with DG is going to cause a public outburst, isn't it?"

"That's what we want. Drama. See, it works like this:

The public can get notice of you two being together, PTY's share price can go off the charts, thus raking in a lot of profit, and maybe a couple months later, we can just blow it off, and make up some excuse like you two broke up, or something."

"So it's all for the company."

"All for the company. You're free to do whatever you want to do in that time. As long as it is with DG." I nodded.



I awkwardly stood besides the taller male as I looked at him.

"Uh... Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)-"

"I know." I laughed awkwardly. Geez, he was cold. I sighed and put on my face mask and sunglasses.

"Let's just get this over with..." I groaned, stepping into the car. DG followed suit, slipping his on in the car.

"So what are we supposed to do again?" I sighed, fidgeting with my thumbs.

"Pretend we're going somewhere, hold hands while doing so, get transferred to another car, then go back to the agency."

"Sounds simple enough." He nodded. After a few moments of silence, he spoke up.

"Why are you so jumpy all the time?"

"Oh! Uh... Well the thing is, I really try not to be, people might say I'm really humble, but they just don't realize I've had this problem every since I was little, and I-I really don't know what to do about it, since I-I can't say a sentence without stuttering..." I rambled, face flushing red. He chuckled a little and nodded.

"Sorry for asking you so abruptly."

"I-It's quite fine, I get this a lot..." I giggled. I looked out the window again, pondering what would I do with this... man.

(DG's POV)

She's cute, I have to admit. I only thought she was nervous because she was with me.

I learned something today.

I had a romantic interest in a person.

I'd never thought I'd say that.

She's interesting, I'll give her that.

She seems sweet.

But I trust Crystal's judgement.

Maybe I will grow to like her, just like you said, Crystal.

(Reader's POV)

I got out of the car and was immediately bombarded with flashes from a camera, and fans screaming. I smiled and made a peace sign to them, and looked at DG, who was still in the car. I let him grab my hand and led him towards our "transfer vehicle."

I held his hand in front of the screaming fans, looking at his eyes the entire time.

"We want to make this convincing, right?" I whispered, leaning closer to his face. He nodded and I quickly pecked his cheek. I almost died from the roar that came from the crowd. I snatched his hand again and rushed to the car.

"Woah!" I panted, clutching my ears, "That... was oddly terrifying."

"Not the first time I've dealt with a crowd like that, let me tell you that much," DG mused, folding his sunglasses and face mask. I giggled.

"Seriously? You've been through worse?"

"I have," he agreed, bemusedly looking at me. I smiled.

"Tell me more."


It's been a few months since we started "dating," and to be quite honest, I've sort of developed feelings for DG. I mean, I thought he was cold, conceited, unkind...

But seriously, he's the exact opposite of that.

Smart, cunning, witty, warm-hearted... I could go on for days.

Now I just sound like an anime girl.

Back on track.

I cleared my throat and knocked on the dressing room that belonged to DG.

"DG? May I come in?" I asked. I heard a shuffling and a hum. I opened the door and saw the male who I had grown familiar with. My cheeks heated up at the sight of him.

"What did you want?" he asked smoothly, getting up from his chair. I giggled nervously, looking down at the ground.

"I actually... I-I really l-like... IreallylikeyouDGandIhopeyoucanunderstandifnotwecanstillbeclosefriendsIhopebutifyoudon'treciprocatemyfeelingsIunderstand." (I really like you DG, and I hope you can understand. If not we can still be close friends, I hope, but if you don't reciprocate my feelings I understand.)

He paused for a moment before chuckling lightly to himself. He put a hand on my head and I squeaked.

"You might say I return your feelings, that's all," he said, smiling lightly. I stood there for a moment, trying to process what he just said. I let out a breath and rushed to hug him.

"Oh my god! Do you know how worried I was?!" I wailed, lightly hitting his shoulder. He laughed a bit and kissed my temple.

"You're still the same."

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