15. Vasco- New Student

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I sat down in the Architecture Department classroom, not saying a word.

"First day in here, and not a word uttered to me," I thought, tapping my pencil on the desk. I looked around and found everyone staring at me.

"What's the matter? Never seen a girl before?" I snorted, rolling my eyes. All of them looked away worriedly.

"This class is weird... Can't they at least greet me or some shit?!" I mumbled, flicking the air in annoyance. One guy finally came up to my table and looked at me.

"Finally, god-"

"You're a girl, right?" they asked, scratching their head. I growled.

"Of course I'm a girl! What the hell did you think?!" I shouted, standing up violently. The whole class turned to me and glared.

"Who do you think you are addressing Vasco like that?!" someone yelled, running towards me, their fist clenched. I sighed in annoyance, put my hands in my pockets, and kicked upwards, flipping them on their back with my legs.

"Don't get cocky, buddy," I snarled, sitting back down.

"What's your name?" the male in front of me asked... almost gently. I scoffed.

"You really want to know?"

"... Yes?"

"It's (Y/N)."

"I'm Vasco." I raised an eyebrow.

"I presume you're the leader of these guys?" I asked, jabbing my thumb to the males in the classroom.


"You say that with so much certainty I can't tell if you're lying or not," I sighed, getting up and sticking out my hand. "Sorry for kicking your friend over there. It's a weird atmosphere here, that's all." He took it and shook my hand. A big-eared guy stepped in.

"It's kind of weird for us too, since we've never had a girl in the classroom before," he explained, chuckling slightly. I burst into loud laughter, happily grinning ear to ear.

"Okay, now THAT'S real comedy, BFG!" I roared, "Never had a girl in class before! Hah! My ass!"

"I-It's true!" he protested. My laughter ceased as the rest of the class agreed with him.

"Wait... Oh god, you're serious... Sorry if I seem a little... Close-minded, my humor is just... a little open, that's all," I apologized, linking my fingers together shyly.

"Don't sweat it."


I nervously chewed on the stale rice they called food in the mess hall.

"I feel so uncomfortable!" I thought worriedly, feeling eyes bear into my head, sweating bullets. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It wasn't a light tap, more of a smack. Some fucker breathed into my ear.

"Hey girl, give me your number," the bastard whispered. My eyes widened as I turned around and slammed my head into his face.

"Boy, don't you know how the hell to approach girls?" I scoffed, watching him roll on the ground. I was disgusted by his lack of morality. I snarled as he hobbled impishly back to his table. I continued to slowly chew my food but couldn't take it when people started whispering.

"I'm done with this," I groaned, dumping the contents of my tray into the trash.

I ran outside and sat on a stone wall, swinging my legs and looking at the blue sky, and over the city of buzzing cars, skyscrapers, and wobbling pedestrians.


"Vasco," I said, mildly surprised, but smiled. I felt weird. It felt nice having him around.

"Really taught that bad guy a lesson back there." I chuckled slightly and hopped off the wall.

"Yeah, really did, huh?"

"I admire you." My face flushed.


"Despite the fact you're a girl, you always manage to uphold yourself against others. Plus, you're really pretty too."

"Y-You can't just throw that term around, Vasco!" I squeaked, flicking his arm. He smiled warmly.

"It's true."

"God, you're so dense," I giggled, patting his shoulder. He smirked and looked at me.

"I want to get married one day." I choked on my saliva and started coughing.

"You're in highschool!" I shouted.

"Yeah, but I can dream. I want to live on the countryside, with a wife, three kids, and a golden Labrador. On Saturdays we can just watch the sun go down and talk about our day." My eyes watered and I gently laced my fingers with his and looked into his dark brown eyes.

"I sure hope your dream comes true."

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