24. Vasco- First Love

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"First loves always hurt the most," Jace muttered, trying to calm his shaking and crying friend, Woong. Vasco frowned and a tear slipped from his eye. He'd never had a first love. But of course, it'd hurt even more when they left. Like a dog getting off your lap after finally deciding to sit. Or not being able to get a kangaroo because you found out that they don't live in Korea.

But Vasco wished he'd have a first love.


I sat down in the a chair in the Architecture Department after cleaning the halls. My face was flushed after the effort I put into mopping all the grimy tiles. I was a germaphobe, what can I say? I couldn't stand the slimy-muddy brown that covered the normally grey polished marble.

I heard the door open and I turned my head, taking out an earbud to face the person who stood in front of the doorway. It's Vasco. It's Vasco. Vasco and I are here alone. Don't freak. Don't freak.

"What are you doing here?" I laughed nervously. "Everyone else had left already, right?" I continued to ramble as the muscular blackette just stood, staring at me.

"I have cleaning duty as well. We're both here late, and I brought two chocolate milks. I was going to drink two, but do you want one?" I tried suppress the blood creeping up my neck.

"Y-Yeah! That would be nice, thanks." I smiled and accepted one of the brown yellow cartons, poking a straw through the top and took a sip.

"It's good, thanks Vasco." He smiled and took a seat on the desk next to me.

"No problem." I noticed he was more quiet that usual, spacing out a lot, the brown pools he called eyes getting almost lost in the distance.

"Hey." I put a hand on his arm, furrowing my eyebrows and biting my bottom lip in concern. "You okay? You seem lost in something. Do you mind telling me?" Vasco looked into my eyes with this adorable, deep puppy-dog gaze, seemingly touching the very center of my heart. My chest felt like it was being sat on, with me squeezing his arm now.

"What's it like having a first love?" I almost cried because of how innocent this phrase seemed. How old is he mentally?

I struggled with an answer, since I myself haven't experienced one yet, and it takes a lot for Vasco to understand things.

"Well... it's a lot like cherishing someone, and hugging, kissing, holding hands... or wishing to," I explained, smiling at the male sitting in front of me. "It's a fragile thing, easy to lose, but very few have kept it for a long time. That way it's special. First loves are ones that you remember forever." Vasco looked lost in thought, clenching his jaw, and his hands going slack, muscles tensing and releasing again and again.

"I think I know what it is," he finally answered, after a couple of minutes of consideration. "I'm going to say who my first love is tomorrow, and tell them I know they're my first." My heart raced, after skipping a beat. Vasco grinned and crossed his arms, getting up.

"We'll finally be able to get a dog and a kangaroo!" I laughed and followed him, eyes glimmering with excitement. Same old Vasco.


I couldn't sleep at night, bouncing up and down in my bed through midnight. Maybe I would actually have the chance to be with Vasco. What am I saying, no, that's silly. I smiled and blushed, wringing my hands together as I turned to corner to go to school.

"... will you be my first love?" I stopped and looked to my right, recognizing Vasco's normally stern expression melted softly, his body adorned by some rather nice clothes, flowers clutched in his right hand, and-

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