27. Jace- Just Another

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I got a little drunk last night, baby
Started thinking about you and I
The way your lips just feel on mine
Nothing ever gets me so high, yeah

Jace just laid in his bed, red faced and staring at the ceiling. Was it just a fling? I mean, they didn't technically have sex, just a couple of kisses. The only thing that he could think about was (Y/N)'s hands laced with his, their lips against his, thighs on top of his, arms wrapped around his neck, bringing his head closer to theirs.

No, they weren't dating, actually pretty close friends. But yes, they were drunk, and drunk people tend to make bad decisions or the best decisions they've ever made. Jace just couldn't get his mind off (Y/N).

Going through the motions
Know you're feeling worthless
Baby, baby
I just wanna be with you
Let me have your heart too
Baby, baby

(Y/N) tried to not burst into a flurry of emotions as they thought about last night. Jace had been so gentle, even when he was drunk. His hands caressing the small of their back, eyes closed and lips brushing against theirs, the hot, labored breaths that flew every so often to drive (Y/N) into more of a longing for him.

"Ah, when will the feelings stop..."

'Cause I don't wanna be just another one of your lovers (Oh)
So let me take you by the hand and show you that I want you (Oh)
Well love like this comes from your kiss and I fall deeper again
'Cause I don't wanna be just another one of your lovers

(Y/N) was reminded of the time in primary school when one of their classmates confessed to Jace, but then was rejected. They'd realized the elephant-eared boy had a lot of admirers and dated a few people. But even after all that, they still found a special place in their heart for him.

"But I suppose I'll need to get up. Do something to take my mind off this," (Y/N) said, ruffling their hair and putting on proper clothing. They headed out to the busy streets of Seoul and started to walk to the nearest park, admiring all the fall colors that the trees held, knowing that it'd fall off soon.

They kept on walking until they stumbled across a sweets shop, noticing an elephant cookie in the window. Their heart warmed as they felt a compulsion to buy it, the sight reminding them of Jace.

"A few dollars for a cookie wouldn't hurt."


The bag crinkled as I handed the money to the cashier and went out, a blush covering my face. This was silly, I didn't have to buy it, but...

I secretly wanted him to just take my hand and tell me that he loved me, after all of that. Nevertheless, it was just one night. We were drunk, and youth making bad decisions. I hummed a tune as I headed back to the park, a small breeze blowing some of the fallen leaves around me, landing on the ground with a crackle.

Once I had made it to my destination, I sat down with a sigh, taking the cookie out of the bag. It was an intricate design, despite being only a couple of dollars. It looked like a cartoon elephant and I couldn't help but imagine Jace's face in replacement of the funny looking animal.

My cheeks lit up with a happy glow as I slipped it back into the brown paper bag. Holding my hands on my lap, I fidgeted and just pondered to what I should do for me to get my feelings off the matter.

"(Y/N)?" Daniel was standing in front of me, clearly surprised. I smiled and waved.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Ah, nothing much. I was just wondering around. You?" I chuckled at his response, standing up.

"What a coincidence, same here. Do you mind if I join?" He shook his head and grinned, beckoning for me to walk beside him.

"So, how's everything going?" he asked, a hand inside one of the pockets. I sighed and looked down, thinking.

"Alright, I guess. Could be better, though."

"Huh? Why's that?" I winced, clutching the small, brown paper bag tighter in my grasp.

"It's just... things with Jace." Daniel nervously laughed, knowing what had happened.

"From what I could tell, you two are really into each other. I'm not an expert, but yesterday was... interesting, to say the least." I chuckled, flustered.

"Yeah. It was interesting. But now I can't face Jace without feeling downright embarrassed, sorry to say." I bit my bottom lip, now feeling a bit of weight put on my chest. "It's just that, I don't know if it meant anything." Daniel smiled genuinely and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, I wouldn't have been with Jae if I didn't face him head on. I think you should give it a shot. Jace is a nice guy and personally, I don't know him very well, but he wouldn't have stuck with you if he didn't like you." I gave a breath of relief and tried to clear my head.

"Alright, thanks Daniel. Let's keep walking."


Jace perked up when he heard a knock on the door.

"Strange, I don't think it's Vasco..." He opened it anyways, just inclined to know who it was. Jace's body stiffened when his eyes locked with a certain someone's.

"(Y/N)," he breathed, almost embarrassed and flustered at the same time. "What-"

"Look, you may not want to see me, but I just want to talk to you, Jace." They hesitated, but continued. "After yesterday, after everything, I don't know if you feel about me the same way I feel about you. But all I know is that whenever you come to mind, my heart races, my head spins, and everything just comes to a stop. It's cheesy, and I don't know jack shit about love, but I think I like you!" (Y/N) ended their little rant, tears almost forming in their eyes.

Jace didn't know how to feel. Happy, or surprised. His face broke out into a smile, and tackled (Y/N) into an embrace. The two continued to hug for a few moments until they broke apart, grinning like two idiots.

"I am so relieved," Jace chuckled, wiping his eyes with two hands, fanning himself. "Oh god, look, you made me cry-" Laughing while tears slipped down his cheeks, he pulled (Y/N) into the little apartment, closing the door with a tap of his foot.

Pressing his lips to theirs, Jace laid down on top of the couch, (Y/N) on top, combing their hands through his undone hair.

"Don't cry, c'mon," (Y/N) muttered, smiling, lips still locked onto his. Jace laughed for a second, then resumed. The two parties were equally as gentle, furthering the session by adding a bit of tongue, love just bursting from both of their hearts, completely and utterly directed towards each other.

Their bodies fit like puzzle pieces, legs intertwined, hands combing through hair, memorizing muscles and curves, and maybe just even cupped cheeks.

"You have no idea how much I wanted this," (Y/N) sighed in between kisses. "God, now you're here... All my dreams came true." Jace chuckled, furthering the makeout session, arms wrapped around (Y/N)'s waist, pulling them closer to his protective embrace.

"I'm never going to trade this feeling for anything in the world." Jace traced his lips down to (Y/N)'s neck, giving a tiny bit of action, nibbling and kissing the spot. The receiver shrieked, clutching onto Jace's shoulders.

"That tickles, oh my god!" (Y/N) laughed, euphoria completely consuming them from their head to their toes. "Jace!" He grinned, placing one last final kiss onto their forehead, gazing into those perfect eyes, pools of affection just oozing out of one glance.

(Y/N) noticed the tiny crinkles of Jace's smile, his adorable dimples, the way his eyes got bigger when complete adoration was hidden inside them. God.

At least (Y/N) knew that they weren't just another one of his lovers.

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