22. Chatroom- Got 'Em

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this was a big hit in my voltron book, so why not :)


Pewpewpew has made a chatrooom

Pewpewpew added B0x3r_XTreme, Panda_Girl, Daniel, Mira_Heart, asdf, i_love_dogs, mY_heroMan, and streambeam

Pewpewpew: hey what's up everyone

i_love_dogs: hello

Mira_Heart: Hey (Y/N)!

Daniel: wait who is who

asdf: It's me, Jae.

B0x3r_XTreme: updog

i_love_dogs: Vasco

mY_heroMan: jace:)

Panda_Girl: it's zoe <3

streambeam: Yui! :3

Mira_Heart: it's Mira, haha

Pewpewpew: (Y/N)

Daniel: hello everyone!

Pewpewpew: since we have that sorted out, does anyone want to start a convo? I made this chat so Jae could talk more freely :)

asdf: Thank you very much, (Y/N). I greatly appreciate the effort that you put into this texting group.

Pewpewpew: awwww haha thanks :)

Mira_Heart: what's updog

B0x3r_XTreme: nothin' much you

Mira_Heart: zack i swear to god-


Daniel: ?

Panda_Girl: PFFFFFFFFF oooooooml

i_love_dogs: I like dogs do you have dogs?

mY_heroMan: It's a joke, Vasco... Like if you greet someone you say "What's up dog?"

i_love_dogs: but i am not a dog

mY_heroMan: I'll... explain it to you later

i_love_dogs: but i want to see the dog where's the dog

Pewpewpew: sorry vasco, but there isn't a dog

i_love_dogs: i am sad :(

asdf: I can take you sometime to walk the little puppies with me. They should be able to keep the same pace with us while running. Anyone can come along if they want.

Daniel: I'll go!

Pewpewpew: I'm lazy but I'd love to come over for a bit :)

Panda_Girl: omg i want to see the cute puppies too! but what about piggy?

Daniel: eh


B0x3r_XTreme: Mira, do you want to go?

Mira_Heart: idk do you?

Pewpewpew: omg can u two lovebirds just decide already

Mira_Heart: wHaT nononononno you have it all WRONG

Pewpewpew: Zack is probably really betrayed.

asdf: Most likely.

Pewpewpew: Everyone is probably behind me on this.

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