Chapter 10

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Going to school was hell, the baby was making me sick and I was absolutely miserable. Since 3am this morning I've been vomiting on and off... I wasn't for it today but when my alarm clock went off at 7 am, I got dressed for school anyway, I put on a red Polo and a black pair of tights along with my Jordan's. I put my sunglasses on, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. When I got down there Linda was making a smoothie.

"Hi sweetie" she said smiling

"Morning Linda"

"I made you a different smoothie this morning, it helped with my morning sickness," she said smiling at me

"Linda... I'm-"

"Sweetie I heard you this morning ... just take the smoothie, I won't say anything or ask questions" she whispered handing me the cup

"Wont ask questions about what" my mom said coming into the room

"Oh just about where she got her glasses from there beautiful" Linda said not skipping a beat

I just stood there drinking my smoothie in silence

"Oh.. I see, her father got them for her in Paris" my mom said brushing Linda off "Jazmyn, Carter said something interesting about you standing him up for a boy you go to school with" my mom said raising a brow

"It was not on purpose," I said rolling my eyes, I was too tired for this

"Well I really don't think it was a smart idea seeing as Carter comes from a good family, his father owns Cinema chains.... And he seems interested in your fat ass, which is a first...... but if you insist on seeing this boy at least bring him by the house tonight for dinner" she said

"Dear, leave our daughter be, Jazmyn its time for us to go if you want me to drop you" my dad said giving my mom a kiss

"Bye" I said thankfully

My car was in the shop for details so I was grateful that dad got me out of there. We walked out to the car and got it in.

"Jazzy, I think it's a good idea for you to bring this boy by that your mother was talking of" my father said

"But da-"

"Jazzy you'll bring him by tonight for dinner" My father said pulling up to the school

"Fine" I said getting out of the car

It's not that I didn't want King to meet my parents, it 's just between telling him I'm pregnant and this morning sickness I just really didn't need this. I walked into school and I was I little late but I took my time going to class anyway, the smoothie helped but I still felt sick and had a headache. I walked into class and everyone was staring at me.

"Miss. Tolwel, is there a reason for your tardiness?" my teacher asked

"Nope" I said popping the p as I walked to my spot by Trina

"Take the glasses off"

"I'm good" I said sitting down

Trina looked at me and shook her head. She seemed pretty happy this morning and I'm not gonna lie it pissed me off.... Why isn't she vomiting to ... after a few classes, It was finally lunchtime and I was hungry as hell.

"I'll get lunch today" CeCe said as she found me and Trina

"Ok good I'm tired, I'll be outside at our table" I said walking over to where the boys were sitting

"Sissy!" JoJo yelled when he saw me

I still haven't taken my glasses off, and wasn't planning on it. I probably have bags under my eyes and shit

Thug Love Fairy Tale  - BOOK 1 (not yet edited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ