Chapter 15

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"well I like that one" CeCe said as I came out of the dressing room

I was in a little dress boutique looking for something to wear because Trina and CeCe were dragging me to prom next week even though I looked like a fat overstuffed pig that was clearly ready to become bacon. 

"Are you kidding she looks like a paper flower!" Trina said rocking KJ

"Well we've been her for 3 hours!" CeCe huffed "Cant you wear the dress your wearing tomorrow for the shower?"

"No! y'all convinced King that taking me to prom is what I want, so now y'all gotta just deal!" I huffed annoyed at having to wear my shower dress to prom.

"There's no more left" Trina said shaking her head

I think I've tried on ever plus size and maternity dress in here.

"Hi baby! Sorry I'm late!" Aunt Shea said coming into the boutique like the fairy godmother I wished she was

"Hi aunty" I sighed 

"My  God you look like a damn flower," she said making me frown "Yall gonna drop her to the botanical gardens on the way home or?"


"Oh hush, your favourite Aunty is to the rescue," she said brushing me off "Melinda" she said turning to get the store owners attention

"Oh Shea! how are you dear?" the saleswomen spoke coming over to us, recognition on her face.

"I'm good, Melinda do you have the dress?"

"Yup, it came this morning... let me go get it" she said heading to the back

"Really Trina?" CeCe said looking at Trina who was breastfeeding my God son on the couch beside her

"What?" Trina asked cluelessly

"You just whip your boob out like that?"

"Listen my baby is hungry, so ima do what I got to so he can go back to sleep and stop all that noise in my head! Im exhausted! I Haven't slept since KJ came" she said kissing her teeth "How about you deal with him instead of judging otherwise leave me alone"

"Where's Kirik" I asked

"Kirk?" she scoffed "what's he gon do with a baby on his own? I asked him if he can take KJ out so I could get some sleep and he's like 'I got shit to do', like my sleep isn't important in keeping my sanity. He don't get up with the baby when he cries, just tells me to shut him up when he's crying at 3 am, but who am I to complain right....I ain't paying no house bills" she said getting ready to Burp KJ

"What about Nana?" CeCe asked

"She don't want nothing to do with the baby, I had to beg her just to take him for prom.... Which is ridicules because Kirk and King are paying her damn house bills!" she said rolling his eyes "but she said it ain't her baby, so she ain't want to help raise him, she's mad because I fell into my mama's footsteps having a baby so young" she said shaking her head

"Honey leave KJ with me for a little while" My aunt Shea told her

"No it really isn't a problem I've got it"

"No honey you ain't got it, I see it in your face... your tired and probably a little depressed right?" Shea said taking KJ from her

Trina just stayed quiet

"Trina sweetheart we all get it once we have a baby, you probably do al-nighters because once your son is down for a sleep you gotta do laundry and have food on the table for KirK, and when you're ready to sleep little man is looking for some food right? And with Kirk not being there its rough" Shea said Rocking KJ "When I had Testliy... Trey was only around for about 2 months or so before he got locked up so I know what its like to feel like you're on your own with the baby..... I mean you're not alone honey, and I want you to know that im more then willing to take KJ for a few hours " she said shrugging "Now I'm going to tell you whats going to happen because you need someone to do that right now, your going to leave KJ with me and your going to do one of two thing's.... you can go home or you can sleep in Jazmyn's room at my place since she's going with King for their appointment, but either way im taking little man for a few hours" Shea said calmly

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