Chapter 14

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2 months later

"How you doin?" Trina asked

"Your askin me?" girl you just gave birth to a baby like a week ago

Trina was a month early delivering her son KJ, but he was healthy and just adorable.

"Jazzy look at this one!" CeCe said showing me the Thank you cards she got for my baby shower

I'm 8 months now and CeCe and Trina insisted on throwing me a baby shower

"It's cute Ce" I said playing with KJ

"So how's life with King again?" Trina asked

"Girl my God this man really wants our son too have his last name!" I said shaking my head " I can't sneeze, shit, or cough without him worrying! it's what color was it, or that sounded like a hard cough, any pains!"

"Well at least he's there now you know," Trina said

"KJ, your uncle Tyron is driving your aunty nuts" I said playing with KJ

KJ was really tinny for being born early but the doctors cleared him, Trina was in 19 hours of labor to push his little bum out and I ended up sitting through it all along with Kirk, which got me the title of godmother to their little boy. I was honoured and excited to watch our boys together. 

"You think that's bad! Ever since JoJo and I got together after Jazzy went to the hospital, he's been seeing y'all playhouse and now he wants a baby after graduation!"

"Don't Do It" I yelled

"You know tell her" Trina said taking KJ from me

"This aint rainbows and flowers over here!" I said

"Right! I may have had an easy pregnancy but KJ is a handful CeCe! I can't tell you how many times I've been  shit and pissed on in the last week he's been home and on top of that I aint getting no sleep" she huffed

"And even though King's around I'm still miserable as hell" I said shaking my head

"Right! This aint easy, and it all gives the boys an excuse to stay in them streets instead of going to collage!" Trina huffed

"I told king a little while ago that if he aint out them streets that he can't come to me about moving in with him"

"You gave that man an ultimatum?"

"Hell yea! He want's us in one house and together then he's gotta get out the streets" I said

"I wish I could pull that shit with Kirk" Trina said shaking her head "I'm not working and l'm already living with him.... on top of that he started paying for my grandma's house, so I'm not in a position to pull that shit" she said sighing

"Are you happy?" CeCe asked Trina honestly

"I mean of course I am, I have this beautiful little man" she said playing with KJ

"Then that's what matters right? If you want out with Kirk Tri were here for you"

"No, I mean I love him. it's just that being a teen mom isn't what I thought it would be" she shrugged "But anyway! Back to baby shower planning!" Trina said smiling

After we finished up most of the plans for my shower in two weeks, I hoped in my car and headed over to my uncle's gym. After he got back from jail he opened it up and it's been doing pretty great. I stopped at McDonald's to get some lunch for Trey and I. Once I got to the gym I got out of the car and wobbled my big self into the building. I found Trey sitting in his office working on the computer.

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