Chapter 12

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"I still can't believe you'll be a mama before we graduate!" CeCe said looking at Trina as we walked out of the monkey exhibit "And you Jazzy are gonna be as big as a house walkin across the stage" she said shaking her head "It's all just crazy"

"No kidding," I said rubbing my belly

Trina was already seven and half months pregnant and graduation was in 3 months, which means by time we graduate I'll be 7 months.... I'm not looking forward to that. Having a baby bump is like a walking sign saying 'I had sex.

"Y'all done?" JoJo and Kirk asked coming over to us

"No! I wanna go on the train" Trina said

"My feet are killin Trina, you better find yourself in Kirk's car forget about the damn Train" I said rolling my eyes

"Please Jazzy don't be like that"

"There are seats on the train" JoJo informed me

"Yea see jazzy!"

"That still don't fix the fact that my feet hurt and I'm hot! Trina, I don't know why your pregnant ass is so damn perky all the damn time! You should be miserable just like me" I said rolling my eyes

"Oh hush" she said brushing me off

"I'll carry you to the car" JoJo said

"Y'all really want this damn train" I said rolling my eyes and walking after Trina.

Once we waited in line for a few minutes and then finally we were getting on, I took my seat and looked over when I felt someone climb in beside me... it wasn't JoJo ..

"Oh, I need to get off the train!" I said loud enough so the conductor person could hear me

Unfortunately, it was too late because it started moving.

"Jazzy hush we're right in front of you" CeCe and JoJo said looking at me

I just rolled my eyes and took my phone out. I was posting a photo to Instagram that me, CeCe, and Trina took earlier, then my phone was being yanked out of my hand

"Really King" I said glaring at him

"Why you gon act like that?"

"Me! Tyron did you not hear what I said?" I asked looking at him stupid

"I did which is why I'm trying to talk to you" he said in a duh tone

"So then talk"

He leaned in so I was the only one who could hear before he started talking

"Look jazzy, I was a dick for walking away the way I did, and I was wrong for leaving you to fend for yourself with our baby.... Jazzy I messed up and I don't know how I'm going to fix it, but I will. You were right I can't be mad at the man who abandoned me if I'm going to turn around and do the same to our baby" he said placing his hand on my stomach "Jazzy I'm scared, I don't know how to be a father..." he said looking into my eyes

"And how do you think I feel and have felt Tyron, I don't know how to be a mom I mean look at my parents all I know is that I don't want to be anything like them and hopefully that helps me be the best mom I can for our son. You left me alone and confused... Tyron there's a lot of making up you gotta do for us to be on good terms"

I felt tears roll down my face, I didn't know how to feel about him being honest with me, I was mad but at the same time I was happy.... The train came to a stop and King slipped out and reached a hand out to help out. I didn't let go as we walked towards the park exit, I realized I still had tears rolling down my face when King stopped us and whipped my tears with the pad of his thumb.

"I'll fix it " he said kissing my forehead

"I dont think you can" I whispered 

"Don't say that" he said shaking his head

"Where's Shaniqua?" I asked as we started walking

"She took the bus home"

"You let her take the bus? King that's a 2 and a half hour bus ride!" I said wide-eyed

"I had to take care of more important things"

"you're a jerk" I said shaking my head

"but you've known that since we met"


"Jazzy who's car you going in" JoJo asked once we made it passed the exit

"I'm comin with you JoJo" I said letting go of kings hand

I walked over to JoJo and linked are arms together.

"You fix it?" he asked

"no, JoJo," I said leaning my head on his shoulder "He's got making up to do if he wants to be my friend and co parent, but I cant even think about anything more right now... I'm just tired and want to go home"

"you want to go to TGI's for something to eat first and then I'll take you home? We don't have to go to the picnic"

"JoJo that sounds so good, you really are the best" I said smiling up at him before getting in the car

I really don't have a clue when it comes to king, I'm realizing that by having this baby I'm losing control over my life.... My whole life is full of I don't know's but it helps having people like CeCe, Trina, my aunt Shea, Kirk and JoJo there to help me through it... I really don't know how kings going to fix it, but I hope he does because I won't lie I miss him, but I won't go back just because he said he's sorry.

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