Fixing It {Chapter 10}

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Ok, so I am SO sorry but I had a crazy weekend and no wifi ugh I know it sucked but here I am, late at night writing about Archie Andrews lol! Once again our poor cinnamon roll gets to go first! <3 Also trying to find some more pictures of Archie or KJ {preferably Archie but what ever} so if you have any good ones send them to me!

Archie's POV

She left, she just teared up and left. Left me alone in the middle of the road [which is probably not safe but you know it's Riverdale it's a small town it's fine right? lol]. I was heartbroken. Questions were constantly running through my head; does she not feel the same? what about that night when she said she liked me? did she mean it?

I slowly walked home in sorrow and despair, but I had to fix things with Sophie, and not even a heartbreak could stop me.

After sitting on my bed for awhile I decided to go over to her house no ladder no nothing. I was just going to walk up to the door and knock. 

I walked down the sidewalk and up onto her porch. I took a deep breath then knocked.

Sophie's POV

It was a couple of hours later, and I was still feeling so terrible for not telling Archie how I really felt. Even though my brother hates his guts, and he banged a teacher over the summer I really liked him, but I couldn't have him. Archie could never know how I feel, ever. 

I was about to start crying over all this crap when I hear a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it to see Archie Andrews. Why why was he here?

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