Why Would You Do That? {Chapter 42}

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****WARNING: Small Mention of Self-Harm****

Sophie's POV

I am having such a great day today. I just don't know. Usually, I don't have these kinds of days, but I am just in a good mood and ready to work hard in all of my classes which is surprising. 

This morning Archie walked me to school as usual. Except for the fact that today he seemed a little happier than normal, but I guess I don't have an excuse since I am also feeling happier than normal. 

I went through my first four classes feeling great. I didn't have any homework either which is a very rare occurrence. The lunchroom was packed with students but I spotted Archie's red hair and began to make my way over to the table where all of my friends were sitting. I sat down with a huge smile on my face. I began to talk to Veronica and Betty when I noticed that Archie had his guitar, which he usually never carries around with him "Arch why do you have your guitar?" He threw a nervous glance at Veronica then focused back on the question. "Ugh, I just was going to go to the music room after school to get some practicing in." I nodded my head and resumed my conversation with Veronica and Betty when Jughead tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, Sophie." I smiled "Hey Jug! Wanna sit?" I scooted over and patted of the empty spot next to me. "I actually had a question for you." "Shoot." He seemed nervous. Oh no, I finally realized what was happening and I think Archie did too. "Do you maybe wanna-" Jughead was cut off by Archie standing on the table, guitar in hand singing a song probably a new one he was working on. I looked at Archie then at all the hundreds of kids who were staring at me. The last time anyone stared at me like that was when Nathan died. God, I missed him. All the attention made me tear up and I began to cry tears of sadness. 

As soon as the tears gathered in my eyes I ran out of the cafeteria and into the music room and locked the door. I looked around the room and the first thing I laid eyes on was the piano. I sat down on the bench and began to play Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran. 

After crying some more I made my way over to the corner where there was a little wooden stool. I sat down, took out my phone and took off the case where I kept a razor blade. I stared at it. Knowing that I had been clean for months because I had nothing to hurt myself for. I finally felt loved and I had moved past Nathan's death until now. I took the blade in my hands and began to cut. I made eight or ten cuts before Archie unlocked the door and came bursting into the room. I saw his face and began to yell at him as tears went down my cheeks. "Why would you put all that attention on me! You know I don't like it! I thought I was over Nathan until I saw all those people staring at me! What were you trying to do!!!" I soon ran out of breath from yelling and just continued to cry as Archie just sat there a sad look on his face while he looked at me with his head slightly tilted. 

The tears started to slow down. As they did I looked at Archie's face and he had a cut and few small bruises forming on his face. "What are those?" I pointed at his cut. "Oh it's nothing." I was so sick of Archie's bullshit. "What is it Archie!?" He looked at the ground as if he was ashamed. "I fought Jughead." I started crying and yelling again. "Archie why!? Jughead and I are friends. He told me he liked me but now we are friends! There is nothing wrong with two friends going to prom!" He shook his head. "No your wrong. Prom isn't just something you go to with a friend, you go with your boyfriend. And I am your boyfriend Sophie!" I pushed him away and started walking out of the room. Before I made it out the door Archie grabbed my wrist and turned me back around. "Your not boyfriend. My boyfriend wouldn't act like this. When you get your act together let me know because until then I am going with Jughead." 

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