Hanging Out {Chapter 17}

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OH MY LANTA I am SO sorry my parents took my laptop away so I could focus on studying for the million tests I have going on! Thought that's no excuse I will try to update as frequently as possible! Also thank you for 400 reads like what?! Also I am like really running out of ideas so if you have any please message me!!!

Sophie's POV

Today was honestly the best day ever! Archie and I walked to all of our classes together, and we sat together, just the two of us at lunch today. I know the feelings Archie has for me and I clearly feel the same about him, but I don't want him to get hurt or worse by Nathan. 

"Hey Sophie!" I was walking home from school when Archie ran up by my side. "Yeah?" "So I am going to be at Pop's at 6 if you wanna come but you totally don't have to." Archie rubbed his neck nervously. "Archie Andrews are you asking me on a date?" He let out a little nervous laugh. "I guess you could say that." We stopped a few blocks away from my house and I turned to face him. "I'll be there!" "Ok sweet see you then!" "Don't be late!" I yelled as I walked away.

Archie's POV

I woke up this morning feeling great I got a good nights sleep and I was feeling confident enough to ask Sophie out on a non-official date today.


I walked inside, realizing what had just went down. Sophie Leavitt had just said yes to a date with me, Archie Andrews. I couldn't believe it. I ran upstairs to start getting ready tonight had to be perfect.

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