Back to Reality {Chapter 49}

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hey, guys, it's been a while! Here is the newest chapter of wish! I hope you enjoy and also just a heads up I will be going through from the beginning and editing things that I missed and changing chapter headings because I don't really like the way I do them anymore. Anyways sorry for dragging this on and enjoy the story.

sophie's point of view

After prom and the awesome weekend that followed after we came back to school on Monday only to be faced with the reality of school. We are currently juniors and things like colleges and grades are something that is constantly on my mind. I am always studying, applying and writing essays. Which hasn't left much time for a certain someone that needs a lot of my attention. Archie Andrews.

Archie and I are still going very strong as I had expected. We have both decided this is the happiest we have ever been and we are hoping that it stays this way. At least for a while.

As far as apartments go I found one. The rent was super cheap and it was kind of a dump but I was more concerned about the money I wanted to be putting away for my future other than the money I wanted to use now. It doesn't have much furniture in it, just a bed, a table and two chairs, a coffee table, and a couch. I rarely ever use the kitchen I usually go to Archie's house for my meals or Archie and I go out on a date.

So far life is as good as I wanted it to be. There isn't much else that I could want or need. Until he said those three simple words, those eight letters, that made me question almost everything.

archie's point of view

Things have been great with Sophie until one night when I told her I loved her.

That day we had decided to go to Pops. So we got into my new car my dad and I fixed up and drove just a couple minutes to the diner. We sat in our usual booth. Ordered our usual food and ate. Just like any normal night we talked about school and life. We even ran into Jughead and Betty and talked to them for a little bit. Everything was going good and I had everything. But as I am driving home with Sophie in the passenger seat I remember something that had been on my mind all week. I wanted to tell Sophie I loved her. It's not like it isn't true because it is 100% true but I just didn't know how she would feel with something like that being thrown at her. I wasn't thinking about that though.

So as we reached the door of her apartment I kissed her goodnight and as she was about to walk into the apartment I took her hand and pulled her back. She looked at me confused by my actions. "Sophie I love you." Her eyes went wide. It was silent. We stood there in the middle of the hallway me holding her hands and her looking at the floor until she let go of my hands. With a solemn look on her face she walked into her apartment she said to me "Goodnight Arch, I'll see you tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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