Nevermind {Chapter 45}

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Archie's POV

I was walking downstairs to head to the kitchen when I heard loud crying coming from outside the door.

I threw the door open to find Sophie standing on my front porch with a couple of suitcases bawling her eyes out. I rushed over to her and held her in my arms. If I am being honest I missed days like this. Days where Sophie and I used to just sit on the couch and just love being in each other's company, but now we have broken up twice and this time I think it's real.

Sophie walked into my house as I grabbed her heavy suitcases off the front porch. 'Why the heck did she have like three heavy suitcases with her.' I thought. I shook the feeling and walked into the kitchen where Sophie was sitting on a barstool with her head down on the island crying. I sat on the stool next to her and comforted her until she cried it all out.

After a while, Sophie was done crying and she could talk so I asked: "Why are you here?" I didn't mean to say it rude but it kind of came out that way. I felt bad. "I-i am getting kicked out of my house. The bank left a note I have nowhere to go." My eyes widened in surprise. I knew Nathan had left her some money but it mustn't have been much if she was already homeless.

After telling me what happened when she got home she started to cry. Honestly, I kind of wanted to cry too. Her coming here to my house in a time of crisis right after a big fight is saying something. Maybe this wasn't it. But this was for sure not the time to ask.

Later that Night...

Sophie's asleep on the couch. After she got here she cried and we talked about possible options for housing but as for now, I think she will stay here. I never got the chance to talk to her about this. She definitely wasn't in an emotionally stable place for that. 

After my Dad got home from his late night at work I explained to him the situation. He agreed to let Sophie stay as long as she needed.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better than today.

Author's Note: Ok so today I was driving to school with my friend and she was reading my inspirational quotes since it's Monday and I was really struggling. And there were two that were actually not inspirational and kind of funny that I would like to share.

Quote #1: You can't cheat death so you might as well win at life.

I'm dying of laughter right now!!!!

Quote #2: You have to die to live twice.

Don't ask me why they are both about death I just thought they were funny!

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