Falling For The Geek; The Sequel

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She isn't coming.

I guess it's just me all by myself. I slowly make my way back to my car. I'm feeling  tired and very cold. I need to sleep. I drive around for a little bit until I find a warm welcoming cafe. I head inside. It's small and quite. There are only a few people in here. I sit down at the table that is closest to the window. I stare out looking at the lit up buildings.

"Would you like anything?" An older woman says.

She wearing an apron and is holding a little note pad with a pen. Her grayish brown hair is tied back in a tight pony tail. She looks tired and old.

"Just a cup of coffee please," I say.

"Ok sure darling," She says.

Moments later she comes back with fresh cup of coffee. The smell instantly wakes me up. I sip at the coffee. I drown my thoughts in my sorrow. Every sip of coffee I drink I regain a little more energy each time. After I finish my cup of coffee I stand up and leave £5 on the table and leave. It's very dark in the streets. The street lights shine above my car. The streets are empty. I feel the tiredness daunt on me ignoring the caffeine I've just drunk.

I get into my car. I don't put on the engine straight away. I just sit back and try to clear my head. I need to figure the first steps of my journey. I need a place to stay tonight. I switch on the engine and drive around. There is a nearby hotel near the cafe so I park my car for the night and make my way into the hotel.

It's big and full of happy mood changing colors. The furniture is modern and very different. I make my way to the front counter to be greeted by a kind welcoming woman. She smiles at me.

"What would you like sir?" She asks.

"A hotel room for the night please," I reply.

"How many rooms? One or two bedrooms," She asks.

"One why would I need two?" I ask puzzled.

Someone taps on my shoulder and I turn around to find Bella grinning at me with her bag on her shoulder. I am speechless. I drop my bag and pick her up in the air. She wraps her arms around me and I kiss her. Her lips on mine feels sweet and tender, I can feel her grin. I pull away and lift her back to the ground. I turn back to the kind lady at the counter.

"Yeah two please," I say.

"No make that one," Bella interrupts.

I turn around to find her grinning at me.

"Yeah one," I say.

The woman types something in on the computer and hands us a key.

"Room 234 floor 5, would you like to pay now or pay later?" She says.

"Now please," I say.

"Why don't I take the bags up to the room and you can come up when you're done, I will have a surprise waiting for you," She whispers seductively in my ear.

I grin as she picks up the bags, I hand her the keys I keep my bag with the money in. She makes her way to the room.

"That will be £159.99 sir," She chirps.

I pull out a roll of money and count out the correct amount; I don't have change so I give her £160.00. I tell her to keep the change and make my way up to the hotel room. I wait for the lift, it opens revealing Bella. She grins at me. I enter the elevator. The doors shut; I drop my bag in the corner and make my way over to Bella. I kiss her, her hands wrap around my neck. My hands travel to her thighs wrapping them around my waist. The kisses deepen. My hands wander over her body.

Me and my GeekOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz