Chapter 5

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My eyes open, empty bed. I'm alone. The sheets feels softer, I feel somewhat lazy and teen like, I remember this feeling, not wanting to get your ass out of bed and just laze about all day, sounds like a plan.

I bury my head into my soft feathery pillow, my body stretches out across the whole bed like a star fish trying to steal all the space it can get.

As I roll in the sheets, the door creaks open slightly, I bury my head trying to be invisible.

"Ethan?" I quite soft voice speaks. My heart thuds, its Bella. 

I stay still, maybe if I don't move she will think I'm sleeping and will leave me alone.

"Ethan? I'm not stupid I know your not asleep," She laughs, the bed dips as she sits beside me.

I sigh inwardly, damn. I shiver at the feel of her fingers running through my hair, sparks shoot as they trace down my neck and my spine. My stomach aches from the pain, the pain of love, betrayal, not wanting to let go.

I fight my feelings, I lift my head, our eyes meet. She smiles at me sweetly, I can't control myself, I'm forced to smile back at her.

I lift up, sitting beside her. She grabs my hand and brushes her fingers against mine. Everything is quite, just the two of smiling, staring into each others eyes.

I love this girl, I've fought for her, I've given up so much, just to be with her. What's the point in throwing that all away? After everything we've been through.

"I'm sorry," She sniffles.

I nod, not saying a word. I don't want this moment to end,ever.

"Please talk to me, what I did is unforgivable, I shouldn't have, I regret it, I regret it so much," She sobs.

I want to pick her up, brush the tears away and hold her, like I used to. I stare at the girl before me...

The court was empty, I was pissed off, in tears, she was there, she came up all the way to the field, only to be swore at and hit in the face with a football.

She held me, she forgave me. She was there for me, even though I had put her through so much crap, too much for a girl like her to handle. But she fixed me, made me better. She was like a drug and I was addicted from the first kiss...

"Ethan?" She murmurs, her hands rubbing away the tears that lay on my cheeks.

It seems that drugs tend to be bad for you, from something that helps and gives you joy can turn to a intoxicating poison.

We've had our fair share of troubles, Chad, Britney, our family, the runaway. It wasn't always my fault, she's been a fair few causes to some problems. Why now? After everything would she turn to another guy? Most of all turn to my best friend? Did she want revenge? Did she want me to hurt? She has succeeded.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," I say, I stand up wiping my eyes. I can feel her eyes burn into me.

I stand at the balcony, looking onto what was supposed to be our paradise. Soft delicate arms wrap around my torso, her head rests on my back, she breathes down my neck. Cold droplets run down my back, one by one.

"Please don't do this, I need you, I love you Ethan," She sobs.

I want to hug her, kiss her, hold her, tell her how I forgive her, how I love her and won't let go, but I can't. I hurt too much, everything she has done, behind my back, in my bed, where can there be any right in this?

I carefully remove her from me, I walk away, leaving her standing on the balcony bawling. It kills me, all of this, I just can't let it go. I can't forgive her, or him.

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