Chapter 11

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The plane lands I reluctantly get out of my seat stretching. I was gladly asleep most of the journey, I hate planes. They're noisy and slightly frightening as you hover in the sky, chilling with the clouds being up so high, if there was trouble the fall would be deadly.

As I get to station where the luggage is held, there is trouble with people's luggage gone missing, damn that would annoy me if I was one of those people.

I search for my name tag, nope no Ethan Blake. I require with a attendant, I am told that there has been a huge mix up with luggage and that I should leave a return address and my luggage will be delivered when it arrives.

I sigh slightly annoyed, typical. I should have seen this one coming. As I step out of London airport I'm welcomed by a warm breeze, this place hasn't changed a bit. Fruit stalls stand along the street sides, street merchants raising their voices trying to drowned out one another.

I grin as I walk along a long street filled with endless amounts of cafe's and restaurants. I wait at the bus stop, just in front of it is a cafe. The same cafe I was sat at a year ago contemplating on what to do about Bella.

The bus isn't due for twenty minutes so I head inside, everything is the same as if time had just froze took a picture and framed it. The fair old woman still works here.

I sit at the table at the window to watch out for the bus in case it arrives early, doubt it. A bus only ever arrives on time or late or not at all. She comes over to my table smiling.

"What can I get you sweet heart?" She chirps, her eyes are filled with life, a lot has changed in a year not only for myself.

"Coffee please love," I reply, she chuckles and stalks over to the counter where a young woman with brunette hair hands her the coffee pot.

She comes over with a mug and fills it, I thank her and drink it. Black energy, caffeine strong enough to smell from a mile off, always has been the same. It tastes the same, strong and husky.

I find myself staring out the window, the world. The place I once called my home town. It all just seems like a mere memory that has been twisted and lost with the hustle of life and drama.

After the time that seems wasted but felt like bliss drinking coffee thinking about the what ifs and what could have beens, I pay the kind lady and quickly head outside where my bus awaits.

After two minute discussion with the driver about how I have no idea what the fares are now cause I've been abroad, I pay the right money and get on.

They're forever putting up the prices, is the economy really getting this bad? The drive seems awfully comfortable, I watch as we drive past streets passing strangers.

Where is everyone? I remember every summer when I was around here I would see everyone, but now I see no one. What happened? Did they achieve what they wanted? Did they follow their goals are they back at square one, like myself.

The bus pulls up at the end of my street. I slowly get off the bus taking in the world I once knew. The houses seem bigger, whiter and generally better. I walk along the stoned ground, kids play around laughing and having fun.

They have it easy, what I would give to go back to the lunch box days. Where I didn't have to worry, I could just play around laugh and every time I fell down I would get back up and start playing again. Only if life was really that simple.

I stop and stand. Staring at my home, I hope they haven't moved. My parents should be inside. The house I've lived in my whole life. I walk up the garden, the grass seems greener, plants grow amongst the porch.

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