Chapter 3

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Image at the side created by @Abelscher0706

I smile at my beautiful fiance, she is cuddled into me, hair wild, skin to soft and a tired delicate face of an angel. We are both slightly tired but pleased at our love making.

I kiss her ear lobe, making her giggles, she kisses my neck, her hands wander. I bite her neck and she bites mine, I tease and nibble at her, we play around sharing love bites and other romantic gestures.

As I get lost in the love my attention is turned to the clock on the bed side, 10:23AM. I grin as I cuddle into Bella.

Fuck! 10:23AM! This isn't first thing! I jolt up scaring Bella a little, I climb off the bed, rummaging through the wardrobe, looking for something smart to wear.

"What's up? Where are you going? What's the rush? Come back to bed?" She mumbles.

"I have work baby, sorry," I say pulling on a pair of black skinny jeans.

She groans and gets up, I sit on the bottom of the bed as I put on my black converse, she looks through the wardrobe, as I stand up she holds up a skin tight black top and gazes at my abs. She wants me.

I grin at her, I kiss her as a thank you then pull the top over my head and pulling the hem down, she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I love you!" She smiles.

I kiss her and quickly grab my jacket, two phones, and my laptop bag, I grab some money.

"Here I got earned this yesterday, can you take some to the bank and put in our account? when I get back, which god knows when we need to talk," I say giving her the rest of the money I earned last night.

"Wow, where did you get this?" She says shocked at the thick pile of cash.

"I have two jobs, one which I get cash in hand and the other put into the bank, take some from that if you need it," I say proudly. Before I get a response I have to leave.

I rush out the building, I'm seconds away from getting into my car when I remember that I'm getting a company car today, great, not only am I late, I have to walk... Or call a cab.

I grab my own phone and call for a cab, as I wait I receive a text on my work phone.

"Get your ass in here, Ethan, the boss is due in here in less than a hour, and if he notices your late, he will have your new hot ass fired, and we both don't want that now, do we? ;)" Its from Maggie.

"Sorry, I will be there sooon." I quickly text back.

"Don't forget Mrs Bank's strong black coffee!" Maggie replies, I role my eyes and put the phone away.

The cab pulls up and I give directions and the place I need to be. Traffic seems to hold us up, this really isn't happening, I can't get fired!

I finding myself feeling annoyed, tapping my fingers on the window side. My eyes skim across the many cars beside and passing by.

People in a hurry, crowds of people pushing past one another, eager or reluctant to get where they need to be.

The car pulls up outside of the familiar mall, I pay the driver and jolt out of the cab, as I head into the building I stop by a coffee shop grabbing a black coffee, and then making my way into my work place.

Maggie instantly looks up at me, she doesn't smile, she just sits straight faced. Pale at face, hair tied back tightly, tired eyes. As I make my way to the big wooden doors her eyes follow me, I send her a small smile, she stares.

I walk in, Mrs Banks is at her desk, she doesn't look up, I quietly and slowly put the cup of black coffee on her desk and make my way to my own.

"Your lucky my husband isn't here yet, or he would have fired your ass!" Mrs Banks purrs not looking up from the paperwork she has her head buried into.

Me and my GeekOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant