Chapter 6

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I drive around, everywhere and any where. Feelings everywhere, guilt, regret, confused, angry, everywhere but under control.

I find myself parking up outside of a cafe, its quite. A place I can gather my thoughts, but being alone is probably the last thing I need right now.

I sit down, taking in everything around me. People smiling getting on with their lives, its hard to think just maybe one of these or all of these people have their own problems, problems worse than my own, life threatening illness or just a world ready to decay. Its frightening, not knowing what people are hiding or going through, most of the time its just buried beneath a smile.

Everything has happened to so quickly, everything in the heat of the moment. Time just flies by, why can't it just stop, slow down and let everything just calm down.

"Want any company?" Maggie says sitting beside me, her warming smile makes me laugh inwardly.

"Sure, why not?" I say trying to back my problems away and just smile.

"Are you alright?" She asks concerned.

"Not really," I sigh deeply.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She says brushing her fingers againt my hands.

"I don't know, everything is just falling apart," I mumble.

"I will order some coffee and then you can tell me everything," She says, she wonders into the cafe leaving me with my own thoughts.

From the moment I stepped into New York, she was my true friend, gave me chances and saved my ass a couple of times. She's always just been there for me, now she's here. Even after everything I have done, sleeping with bosses wife and all. From coming to New York she is the only good thing that's come from it all.

She sits back down, with two large mugs of coffee. I take a drink of the sweet substance.

"My fiance Bella, cheated on me with my best mate..." I blurt out.

"What? Are you serious? That's wrong, she's an idiot, your a lovely guy, one of a kind she shouldn't just throw you aside to sleep with your best friend, he should have known better being your best mate!" She gasps.

"I slept with my bosses wife, what makes me any different from them?" I ask just letting my heart open up.

"That was after the affair, that thing with the bosses wife wasn't your fault, she would have gone to the world's end to get her paws on you, she's a cheat, you were broken, she took advantage of a man in need!" She defends me.

"It takes two to tango, I took some part in it, she's not the only one to blame here, maybe its all my fault, coming to New York, running away with Bella, none of this would have happened if it wasn't for me!" I sigh deeply, drinking more of my coffee.

"Don't ever think that! Its not your fault, things happen for a reason, mayne it just wasn't meant to be..." She says grasping my hand tightly.

"She doesn't know..." I mumble remembering David's supposed to be girlfriend Tilley.

"Huh? Who doesn't know?" She says alerted and curious.

"David's girlfriend, she doesn't know about the affair, I had the chance to tell her, but no I decided to be the decent mate and save her the pain, mates what are they?" I say feeling more sorry for myself than ever.

"That's not fair, or right! She deserves to know, maybe she suspects but she's clueless, why shouldn't she find out? It will hurt her but the truth is important, why should you be the only one hurting here? Why should you supposed to be best mate not get any pain thrown his way?" She says caring.

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