Chapter 9

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I'm awoken by faint noises, I wake and sit up instantly. Bella is creeping around grabbing her things, I can't say anything, my swelled up throat won't let me.

She turns around, her eyes puffy and red, she looks at me with regret, guilt and pain in her eyes.

"It was great while it lasted," She murmurs, I'm not sure if it is to me or herself.

She packs her bags and hauls them all into the living room, I follow her. As she tries to go to the door I step in her way, blocking the door.

"Ethan move, I need to go!" She says frustrated, I shake my head.

"Ethan please, I have to do this," She pleads.

"Don't leave me," I manage to whimper.

"I have no choice I can't handle anymore pain Ethan neither can you,"

"But I love you," This time I'm the one pleading.

"I'm sure you do or did, I love you too but this is something I have to do and not just for me it's for you as well, you will see that in the long run. Love is a dangerous thing and I guess I got too caught up in the moment to realize it. Now it's time for me to say goodbye and be on my way," She says with sorrow in her words.

My heart shatters. She tries to move around me to the door but I refuse it.

"What about us? What about our dreams? Everything we've been through... I love you, I need you!" I say. She looks at me and sighs, she say goes to say something but she stops herself.

From a sad look on her face it changes to a sour disgusted one.

"No Ethan you don't love me, you never loved me you just loved the thought that I would be all yours, I can't take anymore of this shitty pain from you! It's all you have ever caused me. I guess this isn't the cliché happy ending I was hoping we would have together I guess it's not true, I should have knew it was never going to happen, Pfft a cool guy falling for the geek, it's a rare thing to happen I guess I was just kidding myself to wish and look forward for our happy ending. With me and you there was never such a thing called a happy ending!" She cries.

"Bella don't be like that! This can work I can make it work! Let's just talk this all over," I plead trying to wrap my arms around her, she doesn't take any of it.

"No Ethan we're done! We are over I can't bare to spend another second of my life with you! I'm leaving this stupid apartment, I'm leaving this stupid city and heading back home to the life that I desire and was meant to live, this new york this is your life your dream not mine," She says grabbing her bags ready to push me out the way, I stand shocked, hurt, how could she say any of these things, is this truly how she feels? I step aside wounded.

She takes one last look at me, sorrow maybe a sorry is dancing on the tip of her tongue, she doesn't say a thing, she reaches up kisses my cheek, wear a tear of my own lay, I just look at her wishing she wouldn't leave me. But what's the point in reasoning with her? She will only leave me no matter what I say.

She opens the door leaving me behind, I wait as I count the seconds of her leaving the apartment I head into the bedroom and onto the balcony I watch her, packing her things into the back of the taxi, she looks up, our eyes meet, she blows me a kiss and gets into the taxi.

The taxi drives away; she drives right out of my life, right out of my heart leaving a gaping hollow hole.

I take a step back into the apartment, feeling wounded and numb. I sit down on the sofa, my head is all over the place, what do I do? What can I do?

Maybe it was wise for me to let her go, all I've been doing is holding her back, she more less said that in her own words. I hate feeling like everything was for nothing, along the way of this difficult relationship and journey I've picked up a few life lessons, it doesn't take the pain away, but its somewhat some type of closure.

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