Chapter 2

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Image at the side created by @disowns

I roam the streets looking around, finding a huge club, music is blasting from it. It looks rough, yet welcoming. I notice a huge colour poster on the door it reads;

'You there, looking for a job? Bartender! Then come inside and ask for the manager.


Its identical to the one in my pocket.

I walk into the club, I'm welcomed by a lively atmosphere the place is packed full of dancing people, drinking people and joyful people. It's a hell of a lot different from the outside. It's not rough on the inside, its fun and full of cheering.

I feel nervous, the drunken idiots are off putting. I feel on edge, clueless to what I should do.

I push through the crowd until I get to the bar. A pretty blonde women looks up at me and smiles. She has pale soft skin. Her lips are plump and pink. She has lovely soft green eyes.

"What can I do for you kid?" She chirps.

A familiar face springs beside, she smiles at me pleadingly, Margaret.

"Hey Ethann," She purrs.

"Hey Margaret, I didn't know you worked here, then again it does explain the poster," I slightly flirt.

"You know this guy, maggie?" The blonde woman says.

"I'm here for a job," I say raising my voice because the crowd gets louder.

Her pretty face lights up.

"You any good behind a bar?" She says.

"Honestly, not really," I reply once again being my honest self.

"Then you know where the door is," She snorts. I should really stop doing this.

"He's a fast learner," Maggie quickly replies. She has a habit of covering for my ass.

The woman looks at Maggie then she observes me from head to toe.

I get distracted by a sexy dancer on the bar. She reaches out to me and ruffles my hair and winks at me. I grin at her seductively. She has long thin brown hair that flows way past her shoulders. She has a very slim build, flat stomach but big breasts....I try to look away. She is wearing sexy torn jeans with black cowboy boots, a sexy belly top with a tiny denim jacket over. You can clearly see her breasts. She needs self-respect!

She is wearing a baby pink cow girl hat. She looks sexy and delicious. I chew on my lower lip as I observe her beauty. I mentally scold myself.

"Lil, can we keep him! He is cute!" Another small bouncy blonde says appearing next to the women on the other side of the bar.

"My name is Lil, and I'm the owner of the club, welcome to you first night kid!" She says shaking my hand.

Maggie grins at me as she pulls drinks for the surrounding customers. I feel nervous, I can't keep my eyes off of these girls, how am I supposed to resist?

She brings me onto the other side of the bar. It feels great. I can somewhat see the club better from this side.

"Vi, show him the works," Lil calls through the crowd.

Lil leaves me and another girl appears by my side. Maggie stares at me as I meet the rest of the workers, something is in her eyes, something I haven't seen before, jealousy?

"Yo, my name is Violet but please call me Vi!" She says putting her hand put to me.

"Hey, I'm Ethan it's nice to meet you," I say shaking her soft delicate hand.

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