Chapter 10

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I grab my bags rushing around only half changed. I quickly throw on a pair of pants and trainers. Maggie grabs some of my bags and takes them down to my work car, since I missed the taxi she is driving me.

Once I've got all my things together I head for the door.

"By home..." I murmur as I lock the door behind me.

I quickly make it to the car, packing my belongings into the boot. As soon as I'm inside Maggie steps on the pedal. She is still wearing my shirt but with Jeans.  

She is pale, her eyes tired like her body. I feel so panicky to be tired, I can't miss this. We're lucky its pretty early so we miss the traffic.

We drive into the dock, the ferry is still here, people are just boarding its 4:25AM. We pack my things into the ship, an attendant comes over to us.

"The ship has been delayed, we have some of yesterdays plane passengers boarding, we want you all inside by Twenty to, thank you," she says plastering a smile on her face and walks away.

I walk Maggie to a coffee stall nearby the ship, we sigh as the caffeine attacks us. We chat but now its time for goodbye.

I hug her and whisper "Thank you so much for everything, I couldn't have done anything without, I can honestly say you're one of my closest friends that I have in New York!"

She pulls away and kisses me on the cheek "Like wise Mr Blake, we shall meet again!" She teases. I give her one last hug and board onto the ferry.

I'm escorted to my cabin, its small.  

There is a small bed, small television and a wardrobe with a set of draws fitted inside of a box, there's another door which leads to a bathroom. Its bigger than the bedroom.

There's a faint knock on my cabin door,  

I open it to be welcomed by a woman, she is in white and blue, she must be staff.

"Hello sir, are you alright fine morning?" She chirps.

"Yes ma'am I'm fine, how are you?" I reply awkwardly.

"Charming thank you, bags and everything are getting sorted as we speak, so in a couple of hours would you come to the deck and collect your belonging and there will be a free bar too," She chirps with her ruby red lips.

"Thank you," I smile.

"You're welcome, have a good day," she says and walks away, she was friendly.

I close the door and sit on the bed, I sink slightly. What can I do for a couple of hours, I yawn knowing what I should do. I lay down and drift off. I'm woken up by the sounds of birds I groan walking towards the window, the sea is still birds swooping for their prey. 

I head into the bathroom, I take a leak then wash my hands and face. Once I'm done I head out of my room, directions everywhere. With all these it would be impossible to get lost.

I make my way to the deck, people chatting and drinking. I find my bags with my name on, I grab them and take them straight to my room. I don't bother unpacking I should only be on here for a day or two.

I head back out onto the deck, I grab a drink. The sun is blazing, everyone seems happy. My attention is brought to a guy staring at me fiercely with a blonde woman whispering in his ear, I gulp as he starts striding towards me. What have I done this time?

I slowly walk in the opposite direction, the closer he becomes the bigger he is. I walk to the bar and he just glares at me, his face is red. Wow I must have really pissed him off somehow. After a few minutes he seems to have gone, I walk back to my cabin, at least there I will be somewhat safe. I'm stopped being pushed to the wall.

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