CHAPTER 4: Truth between them

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Natsu and Lucy have continued their journey after encountering the first guardian, Yatsika. They forgot about being lost in the mountain. Their journey seemed to be endless finding nothing. But this didn't stop the fire mage from searching his missing father.

As the two mage kept on walking towards nowhere, Lucy was behind Natsu who was so busy trying to get a scent suddenly felt like asking her friend a particular question. But there is something stopping her because the question is really out of nowhere to their current situation.

Lucy took all the courage she could get and tried to catch up with the speed of Natsu. She then cleared her throat which makes her catch the attention of the fire mage.

"Luce, are you okay?"Natsu gave a look to his friend

"Yeah…"Lucy looked down at the ground as she continued to walk. Then she continued her sentence. "Um, Natsu?"

"Yeah Lucy?"


"What is it Luce? Do you want something?" Natsu stopped walking as he heard his nakama stutter

"No…I just want to ask you something…" Lucy looked at him in the eye then continued to walk. Natsu then continued to walk and walked beside her to hear what she wanted to ask. Lucy then continued her sentence. "Um… Did you ever liked any girl?"

"Huh? I-I never thought of that…why'd you ask?"

"Eehh!? Nothing! I-I was just curious…"

"Well…I always liked you…" Natsu then continued

"Me? W-why?" Lucy so shocked that she widened her brown eyes to Natsu

"I don't know… I guess that's what I think"

"Natsu! You don't think about it! You feel it!" Lucy sort of shouted at Natsu as she felt her cheeks to heat up and tinted with red

"Okay…Okay…" Natsu gave up as he saw the celestial mage quite pissed with what he said

"But really Natsu did you ever like any girl? Like Lisanna…" Lucy returned to her normal self

"She is my friend… And I told you already…I like you…" Lucy widens her eyes again to Natsu and flushed all of a sudden

"Okay, I get it… But I was referring to LIKE LIKE…"

"Yeah… I was referring to you as well… I'm always happy and excited whenever I'm around you especially in missions." Natsu then stopped walking and gave Lucy a big grin which made Lucy smile back.

Lucy then thought to herself, Sometimes I don't know if that is how Natsu really feels for me or he is just too dense to understand what I'm talking about. The celestial's thought was cut off suddenly when they heard a huge voice "STOP RIGHT THERE AND NEVER CONTINUE"

Natsu then looked around to find the voice where it is from. He then pulled Lucy near to him as he thought another danger may come their way.

"Not again…" Natsu complained as he thought another trial has come to stop them. To their surprise veins then started to crawl out of a tree then attacked them. Good thing the two mage was able to dodge the attack but caused the two mage to separate.

Lucy took the chance and grabbed her keys and took Cancer "Open! Gate of the Giant Crab! CANCER!"


"Cut those veins Cancer! Go!"

As Lucy commanded her spirit, Natsu then attacked the veins. "Fire Dragons Wing attack!" He jumped off from the ground as he attacked the veins. Cancer was able to cut does veins and Natsu was able to burn it as well. But to their surprise it grew back and attacked them.

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