Chapter 5

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I can't believe it when Sylvia tells me about Kenickie and Rizzo's bust up last night. Much as I'd have liked to see the arrogant arsehole covered in milkshake this might blow it for me with the pink ladies.

"So what did Kenickie do? Rizzo must have been pretty pissed off."

Slyvia shrugs. "I dunno, one moment me and Johnny were talking to him, the next his girl was chucking milkshake all over him." 

"Wait! Who is Johnny?" Now this is news.

Sylvia bites her lip and looks down. "Johnny's in my homeroom, he goes out with one of Rhonda's friends." This Rhonda girl seems to have become Syliva's friend, much to my relief. She can be shy so I'm pleased someone's taken her under their wing.

"Be careful Sylvie," I warn her. "You want to make friends, don't go stepping on anyone's toes." 

She starts laughing at me. "Oh my god, you should see his girlfriend Stephanie. She's gorgeous, no way could I compete with her even if I wanted to."

For some reason that makes me feel defensive on her behalf; she's a pretty girl, and she can certainly hold her own.

"Sylvie I'm sure she's no better than you. It's not looks I'm on about. Just that you don't want to make enemies here."

She shakes her head. "It's fine, I'm not interested in Johnny. He is good looking but he's arrogant as well. I don't like him that way." I'm not entirely convinced and she must see I'm doubtful. "Eve I'm going dress shopping with the girls today, I'm not gonna blow it over some boy."

"Okay, just be careful." Sylvia's so sweet I'd hate her to be taken advantage of.

"I will be, and I'm going to the dance-off with a group of them that don't have dates, I mean how mature is that."

I grimace, she's just reminded me Rizzo said she'd find me a date. After what's happened with Kenickie I wonder if she's even talking to me.


I bite the bullet and call Rizzo, no way was I going to have Kenickie blow it for me.

"So how's things?" I ask pretending I didn't know about their bust up.

"Peachy keen, jelly bean," Rizzo says with that half laugh/half snarl of hers.

"Great, so do fancy hanging out?"

"Yeah sure, I ain't had a better offer," Rizzo says with a bit of a bite to her voice.

Yeah, she's pissed off alright.

"How about we meet up at the Ice Palace?" I ask. I seriously can't believe the licensing laws over here, if I was back home we'd be having a real drink in a pub.

"Let's make it Benito's," she says clearing her throat. "I'm getting sick of milkshakes." I almost laugh, and have to turn it into a cough, I bet she's not as sick of milkshakes as Kenickie is. 

"Okay, see you later," I say hanging up as the door bells rings. I beat Sylvia to the door, and open it to find a tall blonde standing there. 

"Hi Steph," Sylvie calls out from behind me.

"Hey, you ready," Stephanie says chewing her gum with her mouth open. "Rhonda's waiting out front." Sylvia's apologising and rushing out the door before I have a chance to even introduce myself. I watch as she gets into the back of the car, and Steph gives me a quick wave. I wave back, not entirely sure what to make of her. I'll reserve judgment for now.


"So what's this I hear about you showering my cousin in milkshake," I ask Rizzo, giving her a playful nudge.

She clicks her tongue. "He's an asshole Eve, no offense."

"None taken, Rizz. But I thought he was your asshole?"

She laughs at me. "You know I like you, you're not what I was expecting." I breathe a sigh of relief, I can imagine what she was expecting, some posh English girl. "I mean take Sandy, god that girl's a drip. I try with her, oh how I try."

"Okay, okay, I get your point," I say laughing as she sighs dramatically. I finally met Sandy and good lord was she boring. I don't know what Danny sees in her, besides her looks.

"Well you can see where I'm coming from," Rizzo says taking a sip of her coke. "I used to date Zuko myself, and I don't see what the big attraction is. Well she's pretty obviously, but so are half the girls in school, and they've got a bit more spunk than she has."

"Maybe he feels sorry for her?" I honestly have no idea because the Danny I know always seemed like he'd want a girl who was a bit of a challenge. Sandy seems like a pushover.

"He's gone soft, he supposed to be the leader of the T birds but he's turned into some sorta boy scout,' Rizzo sneers. I nod, I know what she means. The other day Danny was training with the football team and that doesn't seem at all like him.

"So what are you doing about the dance-off?" I ask getting tired of talking about Danny. He's off limits so what's the point?

Rizzo sighs, and then a defiant look crosses her face. "I'm gonna have to find myself a date. And not just any old date, I wanna show Kenickie what he's missing."

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh?" 

"I have some ideas." She smiles slyly. "This is just between us?"

I nod conspiratorially. "Absolutely."

"Right there's this guy, well there's a few of them actually, they're in a gang called the Scorpions. They're sorta rivals to the T birds. I reckon I can get one of them to take me." She sits back looking smug.

"That would make a statement," I say slowly and Rizzo looks smug.

"I could get you a date with one of them if you want."

So this was what she was talking about. "I dunno Rizz, I don't want any trouble."

She waves her hand. "Don't worry chick, there won't be any trouble. This is just a bit of fun."

"Okay, I suppose it's better than going by myself," I say pretending to mull it over. "But I want a hot date."

Rizzo laughs. "You can count on it. He'll be almost as hot as mine!"


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