Chapter 14

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I'm sat in the back of Johnny's car trying to get comfortable as we wait for Blue Hawaii to start. A drive-in sounded cool but I don't think I'm going to see that much from back here. Still, Stephanie's being borderline normal, meaning she's not giving me any attention, so that's something. Paulette's sat next to me and you'd never know that Steph had been off with her, she keeps leaning into the front of the car trying to get both Johnny and Stephanie's attention.

"I'd still have preferred to see West Side Story," she grumbles.

"So why didn't you go with Sharon yesterday?" Steph asks while loudly chewing her gum. 

"That was a date date," Paulette says. "You want Sharon to get with Louis don't you?"

"I don't give a shit," Steph snaps. "Dimucci's a jerk."

"Cool it okay," Johnny snaps clicking his fingers in her face.

I guess he doesn't like to hear his buddies being dissed but I'm surprised Steph shuts up. She stares out of the window, turning her shoulder away from Johnny. Paulette raises her eyebrows at me but the credits begin to roll so I'm saved from saying anything.

"Oh I love Elvis," Paulette pipes up and Steph groans. "I'd love for Elvis and Marilyn to do a movie together."

"Marilyn's fat," Steph says, and Paulette looks affronted.

"Don't be stupid, she's got the perfect figure." Steph makes a sort of huffing sound but she doesn't disagree, seems like she's just in a pissy mood as usual. I sit back trying to concentrate on the movie.


We're not long into the movie when Davey knocks on the car door before pulling it open. 

"Move over," he says and I shuffle closer to Paulette who reluctantly moves along. "I can't stand it in Rhonda's car, it's like make out city."

"Well there's not much action going on here," Johnny says leaning over the front seat. "Here I am with three chicks..." Paulette giggles and Steph loudly tuts.

"Yeah Johnny, how come you got all the girls?" Davey jokes. "I'm the single guy here." 

"Steph made the arrangements," Johnny said with a shrug. "She's got me moonlighting as a cab driver."

"Johnny will you shut up, I'm trying to watch the movie," Steph snaps not even turning her head to look at him.

"Lighten up, it's a drive-in. It's an all-round different cinematic experience." He looks smug when Steph has no comeback. 

"So Sylvie, is this the first time you've been to a drive-in?" Davey asks. "They don't have them in England do they?" Steph sighs loudly, and I whisper back to Davey.

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